Them tiny components you have covered are inductors / chokes. I would remove anything over them. You want to stay away from everything except the couple IC’s Ted Disused.
Yes i agree. Inductance values will change and that would explain muffled bass possible.
The two smaller squares are on the inductors of the power regulators for the XMOS USB chip. My guess is that any shielding on them won’t affect other inputs and that RFI dissipation (ERS) might be helpful, but that electrically or magnetically conducting shielding on them might not be so good for USB.
Thanks Ted!
What we see here is my ERS placement which I did by your recommendation. It works fine. Then I placed a 3M with add. shielding feature as a square piece over all three (see yellow square). It had negative effect on deep bass. Is there any possible explanation for this?
If so, I will just try three additional small pieces 3M as the ERS.
Do you expect any negative effects from a complete covering of the Bridge daughter card or from a complete coverage of the downside of the digital board?
I don’t use USB, but Bridge II currently.
I also tried some 3M “AB6005S” and for me there is surely a “too much” when covering bigger areas or complete boards with it. Or even the transformers or the square cut-outs in the digital board. I found covering only the chips @tedsmith suggested here brings the most benefit. Less is more. Just talking about the SR and my personal preferences. So I covered (quite precisely) only the following parts:
- the processor on the back of the display board
- the USB processor next to the USB connector, says XMOS (I use USB only on occasion, so I might have skipped this)
- the FPGA, says Spartan 6
- the big 28 pin digital switch (says “MC100…") under the ribbon cable on the analog board.
That´s all. I hear a more distinctive lower bass and just more air and openness. Very impressive!
Thanks for sharing we all learn.
Yes, so you just dropped the second chip under the ribbon cable, Ted recommended as well as the two inductors he recommended.
Although Ted didn’t make a guess there, I think my problem was to cover the whole squared area above the USB chip.
As far as I remember, Ted later mentioned that covering the whole pic board and daughter board as well as the back of the digital board could make sense, but hard to find those posts now.
There was no audible difference, so I left it uncovered.
Used Sillpoints ERS on all areas Ted recommended, haven’t touched the analogue board.
curious though,
could someone point out please where the two spots on the analogue board are?
“the big 28 pin digital switch (says “MC100…”) under the ribbon cable on the analog board."
Is it this? (dont see any “MC100” text)
Yes, that´s it.
The Stillpoints ERS is quite uncritical, the 3M is.
How do you mean Jazz?
When I put ERS across the yellow square I pictured, there’s hardly any negative result, when I use 3M there is. 3M is just more critical to exact placement where it does no harm but help. There it might even help more than ERS, not sure. I use both but am too lazy to also compare both at each place.
I see…
On a whim I decided to go back to Windom on my XS400 and Sigma 11 power supply modded DS Dac. I find I like the sound better than with Sunlight. There is a greater sense of fullness and solidity. This improvement may be specific to the full range ribbon speakers I use, but it’s worth a try for people with XS400 modded units to try.
Opened up my Directstream,
Put Stillpoints ERS on the 28 pin digi MC100 chip on analogue board,
Could anyone let me know please where the 2nd part to be covered on the analogue board is?
The Crystex Oscillator (red dot):
Thanks again.