Need a new integrated for the shop

Hey Baldy, I too would like to shameless self promote, I’ve got a Cambridge CXA 81 that I’m looking to sell. It’s got a great DAC and a plenty of power. I think I listed it here in the marketplace for $800 but if you’re interested we could make deal…. (I haven’t yet listed it on USAM outta sheer laziness)

Would leave ya with plenty left over to buy a streamer.

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Might be your lucky day –


Dammer. That might just be the one!


I just picked up one of the Stellar Stratas from the clearance sale. At the sale price,feature set and warranty they could not be beat. I did the normal look at 40 options, then 20, then 5. Then stress over the 5. You all know the drill.

It should last well into the future playing tunes on the shop system. That system runs 24/7/365. Playback is 90% streaming (Pandora, Amazon and Qobuz).

We have been using a set of Tekton Electrons in the shop for the last few years but I am going to move the AZ Crescendo MK2’s into that duty as I could not find anyone interested in purchasing them.

They should be fun in that environment.

Thanks for everyone’s input.


Good choice

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i remember being intrigued by the Strata when it originally came out… I looked on the product page but didn’t see anything about it being roon ready tho. Did I miss that?

No I dont think it is but I have a work around for that issue. I have a Roon ready streamer that I can plug in to the back of the Strata.

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That’s good because the bridge in my Strata has been a bit wonky.

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Good to know. Thanks.
I’ll be using my Musica Pristina A Capella 3.
I bought it just before we made the last move so it barely has any time on it.

NAD open box for $1798 at abt.

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That one would have, could have, should have been the one. My Strata should be here today.

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A couple of pics of the install


Hey Vern,
Those are some crazy “shop” speakers. Must sound great.

Yes it does.

I couldn’t find anyone interested in buying the AZ Crescendo MK2’s so rather than leaving them in the warehouse I decided to put them back to work.

They are playing YouTube Music via the generic computer sound card line level output on the workstation into the Strata.

It sounds ridiculously good considering the speakers cost more than the rest of the kit including the workstation. There is a 15" sub hiding under the counter but it isn’t connected anymore and is really not needed.

No fancy cables anywhere and the RCA from the sound card to the Strata is a Walmart special.

It’s a good example of the 90/10 rule. 90% of the maximum effort results can be had for 10% of the money. You know the drill.

Life is good.