New AQ Mythical Creature Interconnect Cables

This is a superb review, and your score sheets assist in understanding what you heard.


Comparing cables is not easy task. The numbers tabulated is interesting. With the equal weighting of scores.

Made me think the House of Quality or QFD Quality Function Deployment might be another way of doing it. Where one assigns importance in weights of attributes. Not that I could be that patient and meticulous in cable evaluation.

Thanks for spending so much thoughtful time. I am in awe of this thoughtful method.

I am sure you will enjoy the two UPOCC pairs. I know I do mine.


@luca.pelliccioli thanks for this effort, it may also be helpful to mention to those who arenā€™t all that familiar with the price difference between the IConoclast UPOCC XLRs and the AQ Dragonā€™s, which i believe the Dragonā€™s are 4x the price. Cheers


I want to avoid other comparison parameters (like prices) because my aim was just to decide by myself and to myself what these cables would provide to my system about engagement and emotions.

Iā€™m not a reviewer so a technical description about design, stiffness, geometry (and in consequence of this also price or better real value) is not my competence.

I started from a simple point: imagine all the cables were a gift, which one would you connect to enjoy more fun in music? Nothing more, nothing less.

Who am I to give more valuation? Iā€™m just a passionate listener, without experience. But I like so much music and the way my system produces it.

Best wishes.


@luca.pelliccioli thank you, we love ā€œCNOā€ (cost no object) comparisons, in this case, Galen may want to send you a thank you note, It sure inspires interest and confidence in the Icono Xlrā€™s.


I personally think you are more qualified to review then most who are paid to do so.

Thanks so much for sharing your passion. Itā€™s fantastic!


Thank you Vince.


I really appreciate reviews from individual users of a product who are not in the business.

I would argue that on one level there are only EVER individual subjective evaluations in a given system.

Reviewers arguably could have more experience or interactions with more systems/pieces of gear. Which may be of value. Though you may never experience or own all of those particular bits yourself in your home. :man_shrugging:t2:


Great work. That said, price factors in and Iā€™m good with my Iconoclast loom. I donā€™t need to squeeze out every last bit. There are other tweaks that Iā€™ve done to my system for less that have provided a major enhancement to my digital stream.


Oh I agree, experience is often key in reviews. What I like about what Luca did here with his review was he presented his method, as well as his challenge to learn how to perform a meaningful test. I found it very genuine.


The wonderful thing about amateur reviews is they are from the userā€™s point of view. So, this is an excellent job that @luca.pelliccioli did for us. Thank you for putting in the time into the review and I will save your chart too!


Thank you dchang05, Iā€™m happy this time to share, if useful for someone, with other forum members. You canā€™t imagine how many times I took inspiration or brilliant suggestions from this forum, sometimes you have to give not just take.

Now Iā€™m really curious to try, same as you, what happens when 2 Iconoclasts XLR are in the system at the same time.

It seems also this weekend would be intensive for me: just arrived the beast, brand new P20 and a lot of work is needed to move away components, modify the rack shelves, reorganize all back in a new configurationā€¦ then let all break in for a while and finally restart enjoying music. Hard times for an audiophile guy and his guitar son!


You are going to have an awesome weekend!

I just did the same thing two weeks ago.

Have fun!


Sounds like a great fun weekend, enjoy!


Yes I know and I will be happy if you want to share your first thoughts. Iā€™m confident a few weeks are needed before objective valuation.

I bought it, and initially it wasnā€™t my intent due to room space, because reading enthusiast posts here on the forum (included several ones by Paul himself) I felt the unstoppable impulse to reach the same summit and breath that kind of pure air. I will tell you soon if my trust has been misplaced.

Maybe I will prepare some new number sheets, who knows? For fun, of course!

There is a thread about it, you are involved too, if I rememberā€¦


I need you to experience a Stealth interconnect. Hmmmmmm.


Happy to experiment, Iā€™m afraid here in Italy there are not dealers of this brand able to give me cables to try and return.

Thank you Al, who may know different cables more than you?

I can start a deeper research anyhowā€¦ Iā€™ll keep you informed if I find one.

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I love your research! Iā€™ll find a way to send you one.


Honored just for taking this into consideration as hypothetical idea!

Best wishes Al

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Love to hear your feedback on the P20, breathing that pure air at the summit of clean power, thanks luca :+1: :pray: