New In Stock and Restocked SACD’s

Anyone have “ears on” experience with this SACD release…?

One of my favorite pop albums.

I have a lot of MFSL which I have still to open …. Here’s some


That’s an impressive Mofi collection! Mostly Redbook CD from the looks of it! Enjoy! Let me know if you are selling any.

It was a gift to myself years ago. I bought over a 100 of them and never opened some of them. I have them on my list to sell along with a lot of (yup you are reading correctly) Laserdiscs.


I had a large collection of Laserdiscs and a good friend who owned a laserdisc/DVD store yes you read that correct! Lol Digital Laservideo in Wheaton IL. Wow that’s a throwback!!

When DVD came out I saw the writing on the wall so I ventured into eBay laserdisc sales and made a small fortune that kick started my way into high end audio. I had some hard rock laserdisc’s that were brining in big money back then. The Laserdisc market was good for a while much better then the current DVD/Bluray market which may be worth less than CD’s :confounded::confounded::confounded:


Some of those Mofi disc bring in good money.

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Does anyone even buy those anymore? I have over 100, although a few dozen are probably early LDs before the studios started releasing better-looking versions in letterbox format. Still, I hate to dump them in the trash but honestly I’m sick of looking at them, and they’re too expensive to ship. Some also have water damage from a leak in the basement–discs are probably OK (if they don’t have laser rot) but the jackets may be worthless.

Curious if anyone here has these new Simon and Garfunkel MFSL SACDs: Bridge Over Troubled Water and Bookends? I have both and while overall SQ is excellent, I hear a tad bit of ticks, like on an LP, and always in the same spots. Check El Condor Pasa at about :40 in on BOTW as an example. Anyone else hearing these?

That said, I can highly recommend the Joni Mitchell MFSL SACDs, especially Blue and Ladies of the Canyon. They sound amazing to me.2

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I just noticed the Fleetwood Mac - Tango In The Night MFSL SACD is now shipping from MD.

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I don’t own Bookends, but I can hear the one you mention on BOTW.
I found this thread on Hoffman, it doesn’t look like anyone has mentioned this one yet.

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I finally got to listen to it and compare. I think it sounds really good after one listen. I played a couple of tracks from my 1983 CD and I prefer the SACD. FWIW prefer the 1983 CD to the 2001 Special Edition CD.

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A fresh batch of seven Bob Marley SACD’s is coming this spring from Analogue Productions (Catch a Fire (1973), Burnin’ (1973), Natty Dread (1974), Rastaman Vibration (1976), Exodus (1977), Kaya (1978) and Uprising (1980)):


Thank you.

I think I’ll add it to my list of music to buy.

My experience with MoFi releases has been mixed. Some are heads and shoulders above the sound quality of the early CD releases and some have been effectively no better, if not less appealing.


If you are interested in classical music, Berkshire Record Outlet is a great resource and carries many SACD titles. Last check, they had 604 titles in stock from around the world, all at discounted prices.


with the recent release of Katy Lied on UHQR Vinyl, I gotta believe the SACD isn’t far behind, ya? (Great reviews of the vinyl, so hopefully the SACD will be similarly praised/reviewed.)