New P3 on the way!

Quick update after a couple of weeks: I’m really enjoying the P3. The audible difference between it and my old P500 is subtle, but I think objectively real, at least to my ears. As quiet as the noise floor became with my recent upgrade from the Emo BasX A-300 to the M700 monoblocks, I believe I’m hearing an additional, if marginal, improvement in that area with the P3 in the system. It’s a little difficult to articulate - it’s not as though I was noticing noise before and it’s gone now; it’s more a matter of additional detail and texture in the sound of instruments and voices seems to be brought out in a tiny bit more relief. They’re the kind of “micro-cues” that I think tend to get obscured by system noise, even when that noise is at levels that aren’t immediately and readily audible on its own. I don’t know enough about electrical engineering to say whether that kind of effect is attributable at all to the quality of power fed to equipment or not, but that’s what my ears are telling me.

And between any general improvements in PSA’s regenerator designs since the old P500, and the Class D operation of the new M700s, I’m finding, rationally or not, some purely subjective satisfaction and comfort in knowing I can drive all of the system’s main components, including the monoblocks, with clean, regenerated power without a hint of audible strain in any part of the system, or for that matter, without ever seeing the beginnings of color change in the blue output LED.

I think we have another keeper here.