OMG DS Mk. 1 does DSD well!

I’ve been exploring how to get the DS Mk. 1 to sound its best, and for the most part I own PCM recordings. I have the DS sounding good now with the Gustard U18 DDC and a Transparent HDMI to the IS2 input. Cable and U18 need more burn-in, so conclusions are tentative at this point.

I have very few DSD recordings, but I do have a few, such as recordings of the Mahler symphonies with MTT and SFS. Put on Symphony #1, sort of in the background because I was working at my computer, and quickly became entranced with the sound. It’s so much better than the PCM sound I’m getting. The ending was thrilling like I haven’t heard from DSD, and these recordings actually never struck me as very good (like, the miking and hall don’t do justice to the musicians) but I have to rethink that.

So maybe this is actually a normal thing, but in my previous DAC, a highly modified Gustard X20pro, DSD was only a little better than PCM. The custom modified X20pro actually did PCM almost at the level of the DS Mk. 1 but long story, I need to switch to something else for a complex reason, will omit here, and I think I can get my Mk. 1 sounding better than the X20pro anyway.


I found that with my Mk 1 as well. :+1: But I’ve also found that there’s a lot of overlap between material recorded in PCM (CD and higher resolution) and DSD. I’ve found that it depends a lot on the production team. I have some (even) CD resolution PCM recordings that sound better than some DSD recordings! I think that technicians who understand the capabilities of DSD and are passionate about the quality of what they produce do produce some magical recordings. I’ve come to the conclusion that all DSD recordings will not intrinsically sound better than their PCM counterparts. However, I will agree with you that the Mk 1 does do DSD very well! :wink:


Which firmware are you using? I remember not liking Sunlight at all. It was quite bad, actually. Lacking midrange dynamics and was in-your-face-shouty fatiguing. Yuck. Maybe give Windom a try and see what you think.

I’ve gone all the way back to 1.1.9. Not that I dislike Sunlight in particular, but I seem to find the earlier releases more “musical” if perhaps not ticking off as many audiophile-sought boxes. Also, I use the original Bridge just about exclusively as the source input and the album art is hit and miss with the later releases if not entirely MIA.

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I had not gone back that far, but Redcloud ended up being my favorite. As you say, more musical than later releases. It was lacking a little on the bottom end though.

Funny you should mention Redcloud as that was the OS I had been using prior to 1.1.9 and quite honestly I’m not sure I hear any difference between the two. This may say more about my aged ears and system than anything else. Bottom line is the prior releases are where I seem to be the most happy.

Not sure if this was directed at me but, anyway, I’m using ‘Sunlight’. Maybe it was just my system and ears but each successive firmware upgrade sounded better to me. The final version, ‘Sunlight’, to my ears is the best. I just found it had the blackest background, smooth as black velvet, and what sounded to me like improved ‘voice’ location in the sound stage. Perhaps I just prefer that type of clinical accuracy, who knows. :wink:


Was going to link to post on Audio Science Review forum but thought better of it. Just asking for trouble. :grimacing: Just wanted to add that it is great we are able to make these firmware choices with the DS dacs. Our ears and systems are all different!

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I did a lot more experiments with the DS Mk. 1 yesterday today and although it does DSD well, I’m starting to feel disappointed with its performance on 44.1/16 PCM, and that’s most of my collection. I tried Windom and like some things about it, but not other things. I’ve tried the coax, I2S, and USB inputs. I know that the DAC is known for its musicality, but I’m starting to feel that it leaves me unresponsive emotionally (except for the DSD). Something about my system, my ears, my taste, isn’t working for me.

I have a Gustard R26 DAC that I initially rejected for being too sleepy through USB, but today I tried it through its I2S input, fed by a Gustard U18 DDC, and it has that emotional involvement I’m missing from the DS Mk. 1. Not as refined, though.

Not sure what I’m going to do long term. My recent search for a replacement DAC has been a long twisty journey.

In your shoes I wouldn’t be too critical until you have 500 or more hours on the DAC, even if used if not powered up for some time it takes a long time for the DAC to be all it can be. I’ve discovered that it does have improved sound after this amount of time. And personally I think that when it is all warmed up and seasoned Sunlight sounds the very best. I went through each of them as they were introduced.

So my advice. . . keep feeding it and be a little patient.

That has been the main complaint over the years of those who have moved on from the DS, that it’s not musically engaging. Unfortunately this will not change with more burn-in, this is really the core sound of the DS. But the smooth, rich, full natural sound is hard to beat.

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@radioclash Also it was configuration hell. I know it’s supposed to be “input agnostic” but to me it sounded different with every input and every cable. The DDC I choose affects the sound through the I2S or Coax inputs, as well as the cable from the Aurender N100 to the DDC. And then there are all the firmware versions.

At one point, I had a Coax cable (a very high-end one) and an HDMI cable connected to the DS simultaneously from my Gustard U18 DDC, and just switching from one input to the other with the remote buttons revealed a very different tonal balance.

If I was choosing among alternatives that all sounded musically engaging, that would be one thing, but I spent a lot of time searching for any alternative that was musically engaging. I only found it with DSD through I2S, but most of my collection is 44.1/16.

My 44.1 redbook cd’s sound better than ever using I2S from the Oppo 103, better than from the Marantz SA8005 via Nordost Silver Shadow Coax into the DS.

Interesting. I’ve never found the DSD Mk I musically unengaging. Must be my pre- and amplification afterwards. The Mk I is not agnostic between input and delivery formats as the Mk II is–I2S is clearly the best vehicle in my experience.



The difference I experienced was a level of clarity that separates the vocals from the instruments. Before using the I2S input, the vocals at times would seem to slightly share the same frequency as the instruments, decreasing depth at times. Granted, this is the best I can describe it, and might not be the best way, but it’s like placing the vocals on the same plane as the instruments, albeit very clear and detailed…while retaining depth between other instruments. I mean I could hear the breathing, saliva, pretty much tell the difference in guitar strings, the singer was in the room, and I thought I was done for a long time.

Then when I sent DSD to the DS via I2S, the singers were much more seperated from the instruments, the vocals were very smooth, lifelike, not just crisp and clear, but so incredibly real. It seemed as if the tempo slowed down at first, but was the added detail I was processing. I could close my eyes and visialize the singer apart from the instruments, standing away from them, kinda 3D-ish.

I agree it depends on how revealing the gear is. Before the DS, I was slowly upgrading my gear, the upgraded McCormack DNA-1 was a huge step, then my cabling, internal wiring of speakers, crossover upgrades, blue fuses, etc…all was cumulative. I will say, rewiring my speakers with Cardas Litz from 30 year old tinned lower grade copper was a huge step and brought everything together.

The DS was an immediate, smile on the face moment, revealing details I didn’t know were in my old regular CD’s.

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I have a very revealing headphone system with a lot of custom parts, cables, and mods done by Igor Kuznetsoff of the New Jersey Audiophile Society. I haven’t heard a large variety of components or cables, but the other members of N.J.A.S. say his stuff is worth $1000’s put against well-known brands.

But my system has a particular musicality, tuned to my tastes (which also happen to be Igor’s tastes). I think the DS Mk. 1 is just not to my taste. When I was evaluating it for “sound” … i.e. ticking off the boxes (dynamic… tick, high resolution… tick…) it seemed very good, but when I sat down to listen for enjoyment, I just wasn’t enjoying it. When I went to a Gustard R26 fed by a Gustard U18 through I2S, I enjoyed the sound again and it reinforced what I’m looking for.

@dyl71 Do you have one of those Oppo board mods in order to use i2s to the DS?

I don’t want to send you down the rabbit hole of firmwares, but maybe go one more step back from Windom and try Snowmass 3.05. Windom had that nice full “vinyl-like” sound that I liked, but it was a little soft and indistinct around the edges and bottom end. Snowmass I think was at the top of my list, a little better bottom end than RedCloud.

@radioclash I know I could theoretically try other firmware versions, but I also have a couple other DACs here right now… a Denafrips Terminator 1 and a Gustard R26. And an Audio GD R28 is arriving next week. The Gustard is more promising as it sounds pretty good already. The Terminator 1 needs burn-in, but was promising on first listen. I’m tired of trying the many configuration possibilities with the PS Audio, and I just suspect I’m not a fan of the PS Audio sound in general. The technician who does mods for me feels that way.

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Yes. Really makes me curious how the PW transport would compare. However for the $$, it was worth the trial.

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