My incoming power distortion is between 1.9 and 2%, and pretty consistent. . . . Don’t seem to see the need for AutoTuning. Manual recommends just using it when setting up anew, so that’s what I’ll do. Had to play around with it, and was surprised to see the varying phase settings when my incoming distortion and settings don’t really change.
Hi Brett. On my P15 “High Regulation” is the default setting so I would consider that the recommended one. Here is what the P15 Manual says:
The Mode setting gives you the choice of High Regulation or Low Distortion. High Regulation is the default mode and ensures that the P15 will output the voltage very precisely at the expense of potentially higher distortion (THD). Low Distortion mode ensures that the P15 will output the lowest possible distortion at the expense of more fluctuations in the output voltage. Choose the option that best suits your needs.
The P10 manual has this to say:
As general guidelines, tube equipment and electrostatic speakers will benefit from the High Regulation setting, whereas solid state amplifiers and video equipment will benefit from the LowDistortion setting. In the incoming AC is within 5V of the base-line output, either mode will offer great performance. Outside of five volts, the user can maintain voltage regulation at the slight expense of THD control with High Regulation, or can maintain THD control at the slight expense of voltage regulation using Low Distortion.
I run all tube pre-amplification and amplification and find that High Regulation sounds best, richer, more natural tonality. My incoming voltage doesn’t vary much more than 2V one way or another over the outgoing voltage.
I’m living in a wooded sparsely housed area right by a pole with a transformer and actually have the cleanest incoming power I’ve ever had in a living space now Still my PPP, P10 and P15 all make marked improvement in system sound.
Auto Tune is not something you need to worry about. It simply makes sure the incoming phase of the AC power stays synched with the P15’s internal oscillator.
Thanks Paul. I’ll just ignore it.