PS Audio Delta 100

Hi - I’m looking for PS Audio Delta 100 manuals / schematics

I have one that are having issues right now, trying to do some work so it could live again.
I am based in Indonesia.

I’ve search the forum and I’ve seen that @jamesh have replied to someone that asking about this but I can’t find the PDF(s).

could you please share to me?


Welcome! I’ll see what I can do. I know that the manuals for the old Deltas are pretty hard to come by but I’ll see what we have. Shoot me an email and I’ll see what I can dig up for you.

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Hi @jamesh I’ve emailed you yesterday


I just emailed you the schem. Hope it’s helpful!

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Hey James,
Can you also sent me the shematics or manual of PS Audio Delta 100 to me? My poweramp was in trouble too.

Thanks for your help & attention.


Eko Harijanto.

Hai Mas kadal001,

perkenalkan, saya Eko dr Jember.
apakah bisa minta tolong utk di e-nailkan skema&manual PS Audio Delta 100nya? saya punya jg lagi trouble ini.
Terima kasih atas bantuan dan kerjasamanya.


Eko H.



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