PS Audio PerfectWave DAC Update to DirectStream?

If one updates their PerfectWave is it identical to the current spec DS? Also, I thought the DS upgrade kit was $1500 and see $3000 now. Am I missing something?

I upgraded my PWD to the DSD about six months after the DSD came out. I had PS Audio upgrade it. It cost $3K when I did it. As far as I know, my DSD is as good as identical to a factory fresh DSD. BTW, best money I’ve ever spent in this hobby…and I’ve spent a bit!!!

The main difference is the display board does not get replaced and the IR remote receiver on factory DS’s works from a wider angle.

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Was there a big a price jump too or am I wrong?

I don’r recall but $3k sounds about right. The kit basically replaces everything but the chassis and the display board.

I believe it was always this price–I had mine updated from PWD Mk II fairly early and paid 3K.

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If you are looking to upgrade, check with Underwood Hifi.