PST - Great Sound / Poor Functionality

Marantz, same transport. Luxman in house transport.

My first PST went back for refund with the same problem.
My second PST failed to perform occasionally, I would guess 20% of the time.
Some CDs would simply not play no matter how many tries. And no, it was not about centering the disc. And those discs always played fine in my car.
Some day I’ll buy another CD transport. It will probably be a Jay’s or a TEAC.


I just purchased a Qstab Pro disk clamp for my CDT3 MK3. I have used other clamps in the past… on different players ( with little effect)… but this Qstab Pro on my Jays is simply a huge upgrade in quality of sound! And from a clamp no less… :thinking:


Surprised me as well :grinning:

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Qstab works great.


Happy PST owner since January 2022; never had any reason to doubt it—it functions perfectly all the time.


Happy PST owner here. Never had any disks that wouldn’t play.
There seems to be a quality control issue here. There are PST’s being sent out that should never have left the factory.


The TEAC DAC streamer preamp sounds interesting as well.

It’s neat stuff.

Too bad the TEAC VRDS-701T CD transport does not offer HDMI output compatible with the DS DAC. If it did I would try it. Stereophile review is very positive. But over the years I have found that my opinion and that of reviewers often part company. Evaluation in my system is the only review that matters to me.


If I had to consider a PST alternative, I’d probably go for Gryphon products. But I’m playing CDs so rarely that it doesn’t make sense to invest money into them.

Happy cake day, Lon!

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Wow, it’s cake day? Thanks. And me snowed in with no cake!


Your DS DAC has multiple inputs, the HDMI input which is not actually HDMI but i2s over HDMI is not really a major advantage over SPDIF or AES/EBU in this instance. But sure.

Here’s a Jay’s

Caveat Emptor.

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Agree, if that unit came from an unauthorized distributor as it appears from the shipping label it will have no warranty.


My first preference would be to keep my $$$ in the US, so the PST is still at top of my buy list. Just need some time to overcome my dissapointment with the one I tried and gain confidence that it won’t happen again with another. I appreciate all the replies with positive experiences with PSTs. They certainly help.