I would double-check with your dealer and make sure that DS you tried had received 300-500 hours of burn-in. With anything less, you will not hear what this DAC can do; at least that is the experience of most DS owners on this forum, including me. (Yes, one would expect that dealers would want customers to hear the product at its best, but I have borrowed equipment that the dealer admitted was not burned in. Go figure.)
The dealer told me that the DSD I borrowed had received more than 800 hours of burn in. I also did try different firmwares - anyway I did not like it - definitively, - and of course it is no problem for me
Is there a plan for another firmeware affected to the PWD ?
To make things clear.I would like to upgrade from my PWD - unfortunately it is not the DS. Thats why I am looking to borrow a Auralic Vega and a Lumin S. There is no constributor for the Lumin in Switzerland but I can test the Vega New Year.
From what I can gather your ATC are the Active version ( internal amps) I’d suggest trying different interconnects from the Dac to the speakers… could be that the VanDenHul aren’t a good match…
Also if the speakers are the active versions can you try different power cords on them? You might be surprised how that can change the sound .