Quadraspire, changing from a Q4 to a SVT rack, observations, may apply to other brands?

I’ve a wooden floor I laid in my music room many years ago.

I’ve had a Quadraspire Q4 rack that I’ve had for many years which gave me great service.
I especially liked the fact that you could customize shelf heights by mixing different columns as they come in various lengths, which can be screwed into one another.

I’ve always had a concrete paving slab under my rack, which I painted matt black to blend in better with the rack.

I recently bought a SVT rack to replace the Q4.

I’d checked the width and found it was only slightly wider than the Q4.

The SVT rack is quite a bit more substantial than the Q4, both the shelves and poles are about twice as thick as their Q4 versions.

When I came to set up the SVT rack I discovered it was considerably deeper than the Q4, so much so that it wouldn’t fit on my concrete slab any more so I had to remove it to allow building the SVT rack. Thus the new rack was sitting on the wooden floor.

Getting it all up and running I found the mid and treble range to be better than the Q4 but the bass was severely lacking, the bass was there but it was very one note, no depth and could not play a tune.

To try to resolve the bass issue I bought a set of Quadraspire QX7 floor protectors, which are supposed to improve the sound as well as protect the floor.
I got these a few days later and got them positioned under the spike feet.
They again improved the sound both in the mid range and treble areas and improved the bass too, which was now around 80% of what I was used to.

I went to my local DIY store and bought four small concrete blocks, about 4 inches square and 50cms deep, the same depth as my old concrete slab. I gave them a couple of coats of matt black paint to blend it again and got them positioned under the QX7 floor protectors.

Ah, the bass has returned with all the depth and slam I’m used to and again the mid and treble range was better, vocals are very clear and the treble is ‘feathery’, which I love, no harshness.

So lessons I’ve learned that may be of help to others on the forum.
A concrete slab under the rack really firms up the sound and gives it a good solidity with great bass.
The QX7 floor protectors are a very worthy addition to a Quadraspire rack.

I now feel I’m getting the full benefits of moving to a SVT rack.

These observations may apply to other rack manufacturers, but I’ve only ever had experience with the Quadraspire brand.


Really? A rack!

Hi hadaelgr47, Can you explain what you mean please. Thanks

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I reckon he’s not in the audio hobby long?

EVERYTHING MATTERS when it comes to getting great sound, even the rack and any tweaks for it.

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Does the rack sit directly on the floor protectors or the concrete?

The rack’s spikes are sitting in the QX7 floor protectors, which are now sitting on top of the 4 small concrete blocks.
Sorry if this wasn’t clear from my initial posting.

The effect of foundation on speakers is indeed significant. Our listening room entirely sits on concrete slab, and the bass is deep and with layers. For wooden floor the next best thing may be Townshend Seismic Podiums, or similar products.