Question for those that use Isoacoustics Orea footers under their PSA kit?


Use these under my TT platform and work great, looking to fit sets under my DS Dac and BHK pre.

Given they work best within a certain weight tolerance “sweet spot”, which ones are you using given the weight of each unit?

And are you using 3 or 4 footers for either the Dac or the Pre?

Thanks in advance, will guide a buying decision. :slight_smile:

Here’s what I’ve used:

(4) Bronze under the DS DAC is almost perfect. I also use (4) Bronze under the BHK Pre, but I’m tempted to try (3) Indigo; either option are recommended by Isoacoustics for the pre and the (3) Indigo are slightly closer to true middle where you want them.


Thanks very much!