Remove Stereo Cabinet For Better Imaging?

Excellent suggestions, I think I’ll do just that. Thanks!


I suggest treating the wall behind the electronics. Also try toe-in so that the tweeter centers meet behind your head.

I would move the speakers away from the back wall and toe them in 5 to 15 degrees and see how that sounds. Your low cabinets aren’t a problem.


Christmas tree is surely essential diffusion :slight_smile:



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The psychoacoustic effects of moving all the source gear to the side with long interconnects to amps right by the speakers is underated by most folks because they have never tried it. Jim Smith author of “Get better sound” and setup guru says it is one of the first things you should do. I have never regretted spending the extra dollars for long interconnects to move the gear to the side.


Totally agree with you due to my recent personal experience (let me say, in addiction to a perfect symmetry in the equipment placing, treatments and room walls).
Also some (spot) lights accurately projected on the front wall, behind the speakers, can contribute a lot in creating a better phantom image illusion.

Where I sit, I am not going to worry about it. Chasing a finish that will never come tarnishes what you are striving for: musical enjoyment. Every once in a while, take a break to stop thinking and listen.

Wait! Where’s the fun in that??!!
Never mind!

(Besides, I love staring at my gear)


20 feet too long?

At $11,700 a meter, yes. A pair of 6m Stealths would cost me somewhere in the vicinity of $100K. I continue to resist that and $599 fuses.



gold cheaper

For those who have the real estate to have free space between speakers a great suggestion.

For me it’s like eating food, the entire experience counts. Eye sight is important. If I spent thousand’s of dollars on a system I prefer to look at it. On top of that I prefer to look at it from its most attractive side.

I guess it’s a compromise like anything else we do. No stereo cabinet is no option, minding housekeeping.


I use a set of Iconoclast XLR’s that are 32’ long and they work great

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No matter how expensive is a system, how flexible is the room, how long is the journey we’ve already done… there are always compromises, just at different degrees.

Ears, experience, errors and an open mind can be helpful if you love this hobby. And a forum like this, of course!


correct as always

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9 meters and 7 meters.


Not if you are using XLR interconnects

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Thanks, will keep that in mind for sure, as I may be moving components off to the side.

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Also my Iconoclast XLRs are 28’ long and replaced a pair of same XLR 6’ long.

Cannot hear any degradation at all.


I can respect that point of view. For me, I’d love it if all of the equipment could be invisible, which of course is NOT gonna happen.