Remove Stereo Cabinet For Better Imaging?

I am with you. I have even envisioned moving to a house where I could have the amps in the basement directly under the speakers and wired accordingly. Probably a pipe dream even for a single guy :slight_smile:


This is my present setup with equipment rack between speakers and long balanced interconnects between the analog rig and preamp.
There was simply no other way to do it, and I don’t worry about it.
I’m enjoying the music too much for that.


Very, very nice! I wish I had the option of pulling the speakers as far out from the front wall.

Great idea. Hmmmmmm. Oops, I have a crawl space …

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I concur with ELK. Remove the art between the speakers and replace with acoustic treatment (you will need to experiment to see which works better absorption or diffusion.)

Thanks! Alas the largest one is the tv ……

It can make quite a difference getting the TV out of there or covering it.


I’ve often thought about covering the TV. I’ve never been able to find a solution, do you have suggestions? It’d be nice if there was a product designed for this, but I’ve never seen one.

Custom made by my Wife - only available in Purdue Gold and Black.



A moving blanket is a good start.


I am impressed!

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Just a throw blanket…but it seems to help when I throw it on the TV.



I have a similar situation to contend with. My rig is set up in a space constrained room (the living room of my 1 bed/1 bath apartment, although pretty generous at 922 sq. ft). I’m forced to accept separation of at least 7 feet for my speakers, with my racks between them. I’ve considered moving my racks to one of my side walls, but whenever I think through that the penalty I’d pay is significantly longer speaker cable runs. Seems to me I’d be trading one potential problem for another. My solution, within my constraints, has been to fine tune toe in. That has a rather significant impact on center fill and imaging. Much more so IMHO than moving my racks with the problems that will cause. The best I can recommend is work hard on toe in and position relative to the back wall and call it a day. I’m satisfied with the result I’ve been able to achieve with my system and constraints. Lovely Salk Song 3s, btw. They look like Encores. Right? Two time Salk owner here, so nice job.


Thank you, that’s quite helpful. Indeed the speakers are Song 3 Encores; there are also two REL subs. I plan on doing some major work on positioning all four speakers. Can’t do it all at once though, I get listener fatigue.

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No race to finish, enjoy the journey

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Sooner or later we’ll get you.:rofl: Wait until Luca reports from the SR Master.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: What use are the most expensive cables if the fuse is the eye of the needle. Next I will exchange the IEC sockets on my monos for Furutech FI 33 NCF. Greetings Andrew

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I have heard rave reviews already from trusted sources. Pass. Come on over and listen and tell what improvements are required. :slight_smile:

6m Dragons for substantially less. SUBSTANTIALLY LESS!!!

Thanks for the invite Al. For the cost of the trip I would rather upgrade my system.:wink: It would be interesting to hear if an SR Master belay upgrades such a high quality system. 30-day trial and money-back guarantee. What is $600 for a fuse in relation to the total cost. In my system, the improvements were just as great as changing the power cord. Greetings Andrew

Even less when the Zenwave cable is just as good. We’ll find out as soon as Donald can test it.:wink: