Not sure if this was posted as part of another thread (I’m behind as usual) but thought I’d share this, the NPR story is here.. He collaborated with many musicians and composed for film. I’m sure many here have heard his music, maybe without realizing it.
Damn it to hell!
I’m such a big fan of his music. His soundtrack work is remarkable and the music he and David Sylvian created imprinted on me in a serious way.
I wanted another few decades of music from him!
Sad. I’m playing this in memory of his work on the Jobim material.
And already plan this as the followup:
David Sylvian is where I best know Ryuichi from. There are four or five collaborative songs on this compilation.
I just discovered Brumtech posted on this earlier today in the “Interesting Articles” thread. He has a link to a Pitchfork article.
First heard Riyuichi Sakamoto with David Sylvain during the latter’s Japan era.
Glad to have discovered both early in their careers.
I’ve only just been introduced to his work through the Virus series with Alva Noto, introduced through 45RPM Audiophile on YouTube. Bought the whole set and so glad I did, amazing series.
I’m going to have to collect his back catalogue. I’m only sad I found him so late.
I too enjoy the Alva Noto series with Sakamoto. Not sure if it is my monitor, but your posted images appear fuzzy.
Oh yes, I saw I also have some more (3 of them are with him).
And yes, those shots are from tiny pictures in Jriver unfortunately. I also have the LPös of the best ones.
I like that series quite a bit!
Yes, me, too, I just put a record on.
Thanks for sharing what you listen to. Just amazing taste, time after time after…
Don’t make me blush! Thanks.