Roon restores offline use!

“ In other welcome news, we’ve removed the internet requirement that was first introduced with Roon 2.0. Roon will now function without an active internet connection, consistent with Roon 1.8 and earlier build behavior. For more details on these changes and more, click this link .”




As one who sometimes has a spotty internet connection, this is welcome news.


Great news!

This statement is very positive in general.


From that posting

and our strategy at Harman no longer requires us to seek larger audiences

I’m not quite sure what this means.

Absolutely agree. I take from that “we have the resources not to chase things like we were”

While I distrust large corporations, this move to decouple from an always-on connection is a good sign.


I think they are operating out of fear now. There’s someone watching, evaluating, and scoring their performance. Performance in revenue and loyalty. I also believe many of them may be experiencing corporate HR for the first time. Now, they are being individually evaluated, and their performance scored.

That arse Danny isn’t going to last long in their new PC world if he tries any of his poor customer support antics in the future. It will only take a few dozen customer complaints until he finds himself in an uncomfortable review.


Todal max is definitely an uptick in SQ. I did udate in middle of a Tidal stream. No reason to cancel them now for just Qobuz.

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Mmm, really?

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If you believe this, then yes.
“ At Harman, we’ve been given a mandate to reconnect with our core audience. These are the curators who are passionate about shaping their music collections, the audiophiles who appreciate the nuances of high-performance audio equipment, and the genre experts who depend on Roon to expand their knowledge of music.”
I’m not sure this is enough reassurance for me to reconsider investing in Roon but it’s at least sounding the right tone.

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I’m extremely allergic to executive speak from years of trying to decipher what the f- - - k they are saying (or promising) but this founders message has some straightforward language and leaves me optimistic.

@JohannSeb the “larger audiences” sure does seem odd.

Executive-speak is an actual medical condition which causes worker bees like me to be constantly skeptical.


To me it sounds like they dont have to grab more uses to have operating cash. Harman can fund.

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Came in to say they have WORST customer support model I’ve had the misfortune of dancing with.

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Upside though is the end of an internet requirement.

That’s a win for now.


i totally get the rejoicing about ending the always-on-internet requirement, but I have never had it be an issue even once. If they never said anything about it, I’d probably never even know it was a thing.

I live in a fairly stable internet environment, so I’m lucky, i guess… but i think if my internet was that spotty, I probably wouldn’t be using roon or streaming services at all. Ahdunno

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I have never had an issue that required support. Someone told me I am lucky. The race to the bottom for service is never ending.

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Same as Al. I run it on an old model NUC using their ROCK implementation and it has been an absolute horse. Zero issues. It truly is an appliance, as dependable as a CD player in my experience.

I know others have had it differently…but it’s been ROCK solid, if y’all will forgive the pun.


A day late and dollar short. At last weeks azavclub’s music night. I had no WiFI and my trial Roon wouldn’t work. Thank God for Foobar2000 !

Still got a couple weeks left on the 3 month trial. C’mon Harmon…drop a the lifetime price a bit ($500 maybe).


I tried for a short time to help them with the freezing android client issue. It was so bad. Got asked the same questions over and over, asked to provide times it happened over and over. Zero progress, zero pre-release candidates. Nada, nothing, zip. I finally stopped participating when I got asked for the 10th time the make/model/os version of my devices.

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