Shungite EMF

I noticed that Mark has mentioned Shungite use. Wikipedia seems to think that it’s bogus that Shungite absorbs EMF, and is just part of “5G conspiracy theory” nonsense. Anyone have any comment on it’s possible use in the audiophile world?

Yes, it’s bogus.
“shungite” was actually an expression used by early man for when someone sneezed; eventually, centuries later replaced by “god bless you”.


Anything that is conductive will absorb, and induce, some amount of EMF. Shungite is conductive.

Now, whether it’s useful for a particular application is what leads to bogus claims. One could just as easily claim copper or plastic is at the heart of many science conspiracies, considering they’re found in all the world’s electronics.

If I were stranded on a deserted island abundant in lemons and shungite in need of powering my satellite phone, you will find me fashioning a battery out of lemons and shungite.


Part of the problem, probably most of the problem, is how Shungite is marketed. We’ve all seen Shungite bead necklaces, pyramids, etc. That kind of stuff understandably leads to a dismissive snakeoil response among the critically minded. Am I going to be buying a chunk of Shungite to glue to my cell phone case? Um, no. Living in an environment of urban canyons, I’m low level microwaved essentially 24/7 anyway. Fear of my phone doesn’t rate. I need to point out proven solutions for electronics exist already. For example, Mu-metal is highly effective for magnetic field shielding. Used in everything from audio electronics to highly sensitive flight hardware.

If you want to “absorb”, or really block, EMF then build a Faraday cage around your listening room. But, be aware, these are tuned to specific frequency so pick your bands carefully or be ready to put multiple cages in place. Let us know how that works out. I’ve been waiting for someone to try this before I invest in the project.

Doesn’t do anything at radio communication (cell phone, wifi, etc…) frequencies…

The question was about the audio frequency band, not RF. 20KHz is nowhere near RF and I didn’t suggest it is used in the RF. It is used in audio electronics for transformers, for example. I’ve even seen it used on toroids.

Ahh… apologize for misunderstanding… OP mentioned “5G” so was relating your post to that comment. I guess I have no idea what EMF OP is trying to shield against. Absolutely correct we need different materials depending on what frequencies we’re trying to interact with.

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No problem. I agree a Faraday cage is the ultimate solution. A great deal depends on the size of any apertures in it. For wavelengths large compared to the largest dimension of any aperture in the cage, it looks like a mirror. In another life I did EMI calculations for launch systems, where apertures for access hatches, purge lines etc. are a necessity and the requirements for the systems inside a booster or shroud are, ahem, tight. Fascinating for an engineer, nerve wracking for launch operators worried about systems upsets in the busy RF environment of a launch complex. :slight_smile:

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OP isn’t trying to shield against anything. Just got interested in this material after investigating the 3M absorption sheets that are being played around with by several members here. Saw the conflicting claims about the Shungite’s alleged abilities. Thanks for the responses, was just interested in informed opinions here.


People that place sheets of absorbers sometimes places to much and therefore affect electronics negative. Entreq has a balanced approach with absorbers built into their Athena racks. Getting more and more common at high end shows.

I bet those are nice racks. I spent a fortune on my Mapleshade Audio Version 3 rack. I’ll never be able to buy another til that one disintegrates. :wink: