Special geometry of singular conductors

My vintage cables with basic twirled conductors got me thinking, surely there’s a reason for not having just straight wires?
Let’s not concentrate on twirls necessarily, there is certainly lots of manufacturers using specially shaped conductors. Analysis Plus, TARA, they come to mind (because they’re famous…)

Could someone explain the benefits of having, for example, cubic shaped twirled conductors? What shape is the field exactly, for a square conductor? A rounded squarey? No, the electrons behave differently in the cubic shape with its corners…

Hypothetically, how about a conductor that twirls around circularly macro scale, with equivalent twirling across the twirling conductor, and yet again twirls, twirling 'round the twirls riding on twirls, et cetera.
You get the point. If there is serious mechanical limitation in the described structure, it could be applied outwards too. Would it become extremely inductive…?
My question is really, how do different “twirls” affect the magnetic field of a singular conductor?
I doubt there are simulated renders at hand, an English description works fine!
Analysis Plus I understand as they have a comprehensive explanation of the concept available.