SQ: comparing Bridge II vs USB

After using the Bridge exclusively over the last two years I tried usb recently and will never go back. I’m using AudioQuest Diamond USB cable

I have had a number of configurations over the last year or so but the best one that I’ve arrived at is a Microrendu feeding into the USB input of my DSJ. The amount on detail, ambient information and general musical involvement leaves the BridgeII for dead.

Consider adding a Sonore Ultradigital for I2s support. It will allow use of I2s over HDMI and provide a second SPDIF output for the microrendu.


@dancingsea, When doing listening comparisons make sure you have all processing within Roon disabled so you get an un processed bitstream to the bridge II.

I found using Roon and BridgeII with Tidal much more convieneient than switching back and forth between Jriver and MConnect to play local, Tidal and MQA content.

USB has a slight edge but I have found that I only go back to USB for critical listening of DSD content.

I use a MacBook for my Roon Core and an iPad client.

Thanks for the tips! Yes, I tried the whole MConnect thing last night for MQA, a bit wonky. Have no interest in trying that again.

Can Roon pass on MQA via the Bridge II? I tried and it passed on a downsampled version of MQA files.

For me, it may not even be an issue of the Bridge II per se. I much much prefer Roon with HQPlayer than Roon by itself. The Bridge is not NAA compliant, so for me, that cuts out Roon for the Bridge.

JRiver does work over the Bridge, but I’m still set on Roon/HQPlayer as being superior on every front.

Amarra 4 Luxe and Fidelia, my other two favorite players, once again, can’t go over the Bridge.

I love the DSJ and will be keeping it. But I find the Bridge II to be a disappointment overall. I wish PS Audio had aimed to emulate the capabilities of the Ultra MicroRendu and Ultra SOTM offerings. Its a little disappointing to think I need to spend another $1100 or so to get a fully functioning bridge type device.

Yes, Roon can pass MQA to the bridge II without any problems. Just make sure you configure your DSJ audio output within Roon to not perform any Processing. In the Roon settings under audio make sure DSP Engine is set to off. This way the bridge II will perform both unfolds before passing it along to the FPGA. I have a DS but it should work the same with a DSJ.

Good luck!

Thanks, that makes sense. I often use the Roon EQ and headroom management in the DSP engine. Will turn it off for MQA…

Can I turn off the Bridge in order to reduce heat?

Paul already answered this question for you here.

When I first plugged in a DSJR with bridge II it sounded disappointing…I have been running digits into it for 7 days straight it sounds totally different and quite amazing now…