Sunlight: Sound Impressions

Though Chris Jones & The Night Drivers is bluegrass. :wink:

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Not the same artist. Chris Jones I’m referencing recorded with Sara K and Steve Baker several times. He was recorded by Stockfisch which is a German company. He has several albums on streaming. Poor guy died young from lung cancer. Listen to “Thank You RJ Reynolds” on Roadhouses and Automobiles. My understanding he was diagnosed with cancer when he recorded this album. Very enjoyable listen, except for missing the crickets that is😀


I know it’s not the same artist. It was supposed to be a tongue-in-cheek observation that there is a Chris Jones who some might consider country.

For what it’s worth, I caught the crickets at the end, also with faint bird warbling in the right channel.

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Sorry, no disrespect.

I reloaded Sunlight and it’s better now, waiting to see if there really is a run in period. If I increase volume, it’s there but not so much at regular listening levels. It Was there with previous versions. Not being argumentative, it’s just my initial observation.

If you like crickets, try “Brothers in Arms” by Dire Straits. -“Ride across the river”, I think.

What ever sounds best to you. Typically people use the 20dB attenuator if they can still get the volumes they like with it. But the sound quality is slightly different that way and some prefer not using it and running with a volume 40 lower. If there isn’t any bothersome noise, either is fine.

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Normally I like the original format the best, but purely personally with DXD I often prefer the DSD128 version or occasionally even the DSD64 version.


NativeDSD sells only recordings that were originally recorded in DSD or DXD (352.8KHz PCM)

So, you can get true DSD. OR you can get DXD, flac, whatever. Flavors may vary from album to album.

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Just to pay a tribute to Earl Hines wos was born in 1903 an recorded with Ry in the 70’s




Yes, I talked with him and asked him for clues about solo improvisations. He gave me a great one

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Hi Ted.
What part of the code change caused the large-scale impact on the sound shift.
The sound cannot be compared with the previous version.

No problem. This isn’t a good medium for nuance, even when provided with a :wink:

The video explains it (or tries to.)

There are now three main clocks at 225.792MHz, 169.344MHz and 11.2896MHz. The first is used for input processing, the second for most everything else and the last for output. They are all derived synchronously from the incoming 22.5792MHz clock.
I changed the phase of the three so that they never rise at the same time.


I’m confused. Are you listening for low-level details in the music–cricket sounds and bird warbling in this case? Or do these terms refer to how flaws in digital music are manifested?

@drdk reported after he loaded Sunlight he could not hear particular low-level crickets at the end of a favorite track.

I am listening to Sunlight on my DSD Jr.
The first song was Morrissey “Dial-a-Cliche” so no telling.
Now Bowie “The Pretty Things Are Going to Hell”.
More noise. Hmmm.
Now Anders Ilar “Shadowplay”. Still more noise.
Apparently I listen to noise. Who knew?


Hmmm… I am having mixed feelings.

More detail BUT… it appears brighter and I am not sure I like that.

Is it my Beryllium tweeters? I am listening to Frank SInatra the Columbia years… is it these recordings?

Frank’s "s"s and “ch…” in his words are kinda standing out. Hmmm song is If I Had You. I am listening at lower levels… less than normal as I am working… (or should be).

Bruce in Philly