Agree with @sixpack1, “impose his value system” sounds a bit dramatic. He’s got a Youtube channel, he can say what he wants. Nobody has to listen.
Gene has an angle, and we all know that engineering-types are susceptible to missing the forest for the trees. But this kind of research can be useful, just like corporate marketing or message board opinionating can be useful.
I don’t like how he gets all worked up, and acts as if his measurements are the last word on sound. But I’d rather be more informed than less.
I liked the fact that he does not take the position all speaker cables sound the same. He also measured Kimber 8TC and showed how it measured better than either the 10 gauge or the audioquest cable. He also mentioned it is his preferred cable. He is not one of the hard nosed measure only guys.
Gene preferred the Kimber because it measured better than the other cables. If his 10 gauge would have measured better, he would have picked that cable instead. He’s mainly into measurements, the actual sound of the cable takes a back seat.
I’m the opposite. I don’t buy my equipment by measurement. It has to sound good.
And of course within my budget. I could care less how it measures, as long as it gets me excited by the sound it makes, I’m sold, after all I get the equipment to listen to, not measure.
I use Kimber 4TC and 8TC to Quad wire my speakers . Have used it for years because it sounds better. I find it reassuring to know it also measures better. It is interesting that it achieves the very thing that audioquest claims their biased dielectric cable is supposed to do withouth the mumbo jumbo! It also does not cost $5000.
I can kind of understand some of the jabs taken at Synergistic Research, but from my personal experience with their Foundation cables, this company produces the goods.
I tried a lot of different manufacture’s cables over the years, most way more expensive, but they never took my system to the same level achieved by the SR Foundation line. These very affordable cables are the real deal.
This type of thing always draws the easy shots and probably by people that have never even tried the products nor do they want to … Not a big fan of Ted and he did some cheap shot things a few years ago which didn’t sit right with me so i made future purchasing decisions based on that, that being said i still have orange fuses in my system and a grounding block that makes significant changes to my PS gear.
Oh and here is the thing i put these things in my system i listened i took them out and i listened again and hey they made a difference so they stayed. This is what this hobby is about its what works for you what your willing to pay for the change and that decision is probably unique just to you…
Darko recently summed this up pretty well and I tend to agree
Is it me or do a whole backdrop of men with folded arms and kinda mean faces seem ludicrous? I thought the same thing having watched any number of commercials for various TV programs. Is that supposed to be manly?
Aw come on guys, give Ted Denney a break, he’s not so bad of a guy. But those guys in the background looks like they mean business, don’t they? His cables are really not too bad. I’m using his Galileo UEF power cord in my power amp and it beat everything else I tried before it. I believe it is one of the cable he wants to show Gene.
Tried the Thunderbirds with and without the DBS packs and honestly I don’t hear a difference with or without. So maybe snake oil? Don’t know don’t care. What I did hear with or without the DBS packs was fantastic sounding music! Accurate and very revealing with no added noise! I thank God that my ears allow me to hear and enjoy music not measurements!
Wow, it never ceases to amaze me of the number of SR haters on this forum. I certainly don’t need to defend them and won’t, but I have actually used their cables (speaker, power, interconnects, and digital). I’m not saying they are the best and I’m not here to put down other people’s choices. However, I have used a number of different companies cables and SR’s cables are not snake oil. That said, I haven’t, as of yet, tried or bought everything they offer. I would also guess that in most cases, but not all, 5k plus speaker cables need upper tier electronics/speaker to reach appreciate the subtle differences. You put high octane gas in a regular car and you won’t notice a difference (unless you damage the motor) - you put regular gas in a high performance motor and you will see a noticeable difference (which could also damage the motor). I liked the Darko video. We ought to all have a similar attitude. Enjoy everyone’s choices and give useful help or suggestions. I see enough crap on political stuff and would just like to enjoy this forum.
And I like SR’s offer. Heck if anyone lives in central Texas, you can bring some cables and we can see what we think. Again, I’m not saying they are the best and heck I might find something I like better!
End of rant!
Actually, the only thing I really like from SR is their power cords. First the Element CTS and now the Galileo LE. I tried their Galileo LE interconnects and found the sound of WW Platinum Eclipse 8 and Wywires Diamond much more to my liking. Their SR Orange fuse are fine but Beeswax Ultimate Premier much better. Is it unusual to like different things from different companies?
The AQ ThunderBird speaker cable review Gene did is the first one I’ve seen him do that wasn’t full of snark and doubt about other peoples HiFi experiences. I actually gave him a compliment on the way presented this particular review. But, usually I can’t make it through his snarky reviews without being pissed off at some point. I see one guy stepping up to plate to defend his position and one guy hiding in his forum. I say where’s all that previous obnoxious bravado and snarkiness? He talks ad nauseum about his test equipment. Here is the prefect opportunity to be the objective Hero he has striven for for years.