The DS and Roon after the delivery of RoonReady

According to the Roon page,

“After months of hard work, we have now delivered the RoonReady SDK to our first round of hardware partners, and we can barely contain ourselves at the news that some of them already have Roon streaming to hardware in-house”

Does anybody know if PS Audio have been included in this first round? And if yes, which are the chances that we would end up with a bridge II used as an endpoint of Roon? (we all know that, due to the required processing power, the bridge will never be able to replace a PC as the server)

We’re “close” but no cigar yet. Fingers crossed.

Great news, Paul. Thx for the answer.

After 35 years of Linn source equipment I’ve just replaced my last Linn component, an Akurate DS/1, with a DirectStream/Bridge II. Native Roon support was a big factor in this decision. I’ve currently set up a Raspberry Pi 2 to run Airplay into the USB port, but can’t wait to get my hands on the firmware upgrade for the Bridge II. I’m happy to volunteer as a beta tester.

Can someone explain what features will be added when DS/Bridge II is RoonReady?


If, and when, the Bridge becomes Roon ready, there will be new code required to be installed on the Bridge and DirectStream. DirectStream will have another boost in sound quality, as Ted manages to do when these updates happen - something always to look forward to - and you’ll now be able to use Roon to manage your library. Roon will play directly into DirectStream via the Bridge. IF we are able to do that.

We do not anticipate any other features added.

But Roon will still have to reside on a computer correct ?

Correct. The Roon server lives on a computer. The Bridge becomes the player.

Or you can buy the Elac Discovery gateway (08:20-18:05): Roon Server

rogerdn said But Roon will still have to reside on a computer correct ?
I have read that Roon is working on versions of their software that will be installable on some brands of NAS. If this comes through, and if PSA is able to make the Bridge a Roon endpoint, this would be good for those of us who don't use a PC for our listening. Lots of if's, I know, but I am keeping an eye on this possibility since I stream from my Synology.
magister said
I have read that Roon is working on versions of their software that will be installable on some brands of NAS. If this comes through, and if PSA is able to make the Bridge a Roon endpoint, this would be good for those of us who don't use a PC for our listening. Lots of if's, I know, but I am keeping an eye on this possibility since I stream from my Synology.
Great news, I use synology too.
Frode said Or you can buy the Elac Discovery gateway (08:20-18:05): Roon Server
Do you know if it will have an Ethernet connection for NAS ?
Paul McGowan said If, and when, the Bridge becomes Roon ready, there will be new code required to be installed on the Bridge and DirectStream. DirectStream will have another boost in sound quality, as Ted manages to do when these updates happen - something always to look forward to - and you'll now be able to use Roon to manage your library. Roon will play directly into DirectStream via the Bridge. IF we are able to do that.

We do not anticipate any other features added.


I already have a Roon Server running on my Win12 Server which is set up to stream from my NAS. I currently use an Aries to stream to my DS DAC using their LS server which also connects with my NAS. I assume I could replace the Aries with the Bridge II with the Roon end-point and then use the Roon remote on my iPad as the control point. Correct?


rogerdn said
Frode said Or you can buy the Elac Discovery gateway (08:20-18:05): Roon Server

Do you know if it will have an Ethernet connection for NAS ?

Yes, according to my understanding your library is located elsewhere (NAS).

It will be displayed at CES and thereafter launched right after.

I had heard from the Roon folks the Discovery does not have a full version of Roon.

ksalno said
Paul McGowan said If, and when, the Bridge becomes Roon ready, there will be new code required to be installed on the Bridge and DirectStream. DirectStream will have another boost in sound quality, as Ted manages to do when these updates happen - something always to look forward to - and you'll now be able to use Roon to manage your library. Roon will play directly into DirectStream via the Bridge. IF we are able to do that.

We do not anticipate any other features added.


I already have a Roon Server running on my Win12 Server which is set up to stream from my NAS. I currently use an Aries to stream to my DS DAC using their LS server which also connects with my NAS. I assume I could replace the Aries with the Bridge II with the Roon end-point and then use the Roon remote on my iPad as the control point. Correct?


I agree with Frode. Yes, this is exactly right - but we have to first get Roon to integrate.

Paul McGowan said I had heard from the Roon folks the Discovery does not have a full version of Roon.

This doesn’t sound too good, does it. Need to follow up on this one.

Thanks for the info.

From DAR

UPDATE 20th November 2015 Enno Vandermeer of Roon Labs writes: “We’re hoping to clarify the impression out in the world that the Elac DIscovery comes with a lifetime Roon license. Here’s what we’re telling people who email us saying they want to hold off buying Roon because they’re waiting for the Discovery:


Just to be clear about Elac’s upcoming product, the Discovery is designed to be a self-contained device, and has a built-in limited version of Roon Server installed on it. It won’t have all of Roon’s features like lyrics, DSD and high-resolution formats, or the ability to stream to PCs, AirPlay speakers, and Roon Ready devices from our partners. The license is tied to the device rather than to you as a customer, so it’s not a Roon Lifetime license, either.

The purpose of our partnership with Elac is to provide a simple, turn key version of the Roon experience, but there will always be features in our Annual and Lifetime m


My interest in this gateway is now completely gone. I don’t want such limitations. It probably works well, but to me it resembles an airplay solution on high end gear.

Paul McGowan said If, and when, the Bridge becomes Roon ready, there will be new code required to be installed on the Bridge and DirectStream. DirectStream will have another boost in sound quality, as Ted manages to do when these updates happen - something always to look forward to - and you'll now be able to use Roon to manage your library. Roon will play directly into DirectStream via the Bridge. IF we are able to do that.

We do not anticipate any other features added.


Any update on “if, and when” PSA Bridge “Roon Ready” ?
