I like to share a picture of my system. Nothing special, but what a great system this is!
This week I worked on a few aspects in my sysytem that I heard in a system of an other forum member.
One of the aspects were the timing of the Subwoofer with the fronts. Now the timing is 100% the low frequencies became more musical and stronger.
I also worked on the cleareness and neutrality. I removed my Shumann resonater and added a few chips instead. Without the resonator the soundstage was a bit blurred. But with chips on the fronts and a chip on the DC cable of the pre-amp and one chip on the powercable of the sub the system realy dissapeared. The chips took over the Job of the resonator and does an even better job. I still can’t believe how perfect the system sounds. I mean it only changed a few percent, but it doubled the joy to listen.
This is the system that I can listen to without thoughts to change anything. It has a deep and wide soundstage. Bass and fronts are one, the midrange has enough and neutral body the hights are crisp and fast like lightning.