The science of cable elevators?

Keeping speakers in same location might be a challenge and a entire symphony of little movements. Plus who knows what the off floor elevation adds to it.

I know simple things like a level to adjust tilt of Gaias really changes things with my line array speakers.

I had Gaia Titans under my Wilsons. I am very very familiar with them. They are so very worthwhile.



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Professor…a spelling mistake…gwan cain’t believe it

Best wishes

I remember you found a sponge holder that looks nicer than many cable elevators I have seen; at a non-audiophile price.

A joke

Yep I knew that…which is why my type in cheek post :grin:

Best wishes

I’m so glad that I never could hear a reason to elevate my cables. My gf thinks I’m nuts already.


:astonished: :astonished: :astonished:

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A poorly constructed headphone cable can be microphonic.

I did mean movement causing microphony. I frequently build very nice cables from carefully selected components and have learned how to eliminate sound from cable movement.

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This Vinyl Attack video dovetails with Danny’s video regarding cable risers.


Why don’t you start a YouTube channel?


Unless a topic can be empirically proven or demonstrated incorrect, how about when someone shares their experiences, letting them stand as their experience? And if your preference is for a specific procedure or test, do it for yourself; then share your experience and outcome with the community.

I have zero reasons to distrust the things they experienced. Whether their YT delivery is polished or not isn’t all that important to me.


So I decided to elevate my current speaker cables, which I tried once before, but used plastic CD jewel cases, which didn’t yield any benefits. This time I used cardboard A frames, as suggested by Danny in the above video. The improvement was immediate and obvious. Better separation and imagine specificity of instruments and vocals. Also a marked improvement in low level detail. Plan on replacing the cardboard with something more aesthetically pleasing, but for something that cost me nothing, and only took 10 minutes to put together, I couldn’t be happier with the results.


That’s cool.
The measurement freaks would have a field day with the improvement.
I doubt if they could “hear it” if it was immeasurable. :thinking:


Reminds me of how it’s aerodynamically impossible for bumblebees to fly coupled with the statement by the physics community at the end of the 19th Century that there was nothing left to discover/explain.

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Fascinating. So, bumblebees are a hopped-up cross between tanker trucks and helicopters.

Thanks for the link.