I believe The bearing sleeve and shaft is self oiled, which maybe helps with the issue you mentioned, but I found going from a much lighter platter turntable, the Raven One, the increased dynamics and bandwidth of the massive platter was easy to hear.
i can imagine
Don’t need it/don’t really want it, but it sure is purty:
And its waiting for a lucky Hi-Fi lover to grab it right now on Audiogon for a cool $90K.
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Nice! One wonders what will be replacing it.
It looks like Roger Dean designed it.
Do you suppose it only plays Yes records?
Welcome to the forum!
I am familiar with your company and I love your Turntable designs! They are works of Art! I thing you should be very proud of what your family creates!
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Ty mister!
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I must agree that the design and machining of your turntable seems far beyond your asking price.
I guess it must sound $327,000 better than mine.
i’m usually a big fan of yellows and oranges, but that looks too much like a “building site hardened” TT for me
Can you get it without the French’s Mustard trim?
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