Unusual Issue with DMP

A strange incident happened on the DMP while comparing two different versions of the same CD, and was wondering if anyone else has observed this behaviour.

I had finished playing CD1 (an SHM CD version of CD2), which was reproduced at normal volume (settings: 34 on the BHK pre - 98 on DSD), ejected it and inserted CD2 for comparison purposes. Didn’t alter any settings.

When I pressed play, the volume had dropped to around a third of normal, even though Preamp vol. still said 34. Ejected and re-inserted CD2 without removing it from the tray, but still played at abnormally low volume. Increased/decreased preamp volume, but it didn’t reset the corresponding low volume.

I powered down the DMP, DSD, BHK pre and power amps, waited around 30-secs and powered up again.

Inserted CD1 into the DMP and it played at normal volume. Reinserted CD2 and pressed play. It didn’t play at all. I ejected it, wiped it and reinserted it. It played but, again, at the abnormally low volume.

I ejected it and inserted an unrelated CD. It also played at the lower volume. I then powered down and up just the DMP. I once again played the unrelated CD and it played at normal volume.

I played various disks after this incident without repeat of the issue. I have not been game to play CD2 again.

Has anyone else seen this behaviour?

burnsey, sorry can’t help with your 2+ year old DMP issue (hope you got it figured out by now!), however I’ve got an odd one of my own would like to throw out there…

On my DMP, I have no playback issues with CD’s whatsoever, however with SACD’s I consistently get just one dropout (less than one second long) at some point during the playback of the SACD (any SACD). It only happens once during the entire SACD, but happens every time. I haven’t been able to see if it’s consistently at a certain time point in the SACD playback, but it’s usually at least a few tracks into playback. I also have the PST and never have this issue with it. Has anyone seen this strange behavior or have an idea what may be happening?

Yes….I have had the same exact issue with my DMP since new. The quick dropout is usually within the first few minutes.

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