What are you spinning right now?

Thanks! Never felt more love.

I am so into this series right now. Some of them are a bit pricey on Amazon. Don’t care, I’m picking them up like crazy.

One either gets it or they don’t. It’s the same with art or any other passion. My stereo enriches my life. I never tell anyone what I paid for it. The enrichment is worth it, the conversation justifying is not.
At some point a picture or two—maybe a new “topic”!

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A virtual cigar!

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Find a soul record more “in the pocket” then this one
a challenge!

A DR of 15 with a soundstage so wide and tall you could crawl inside!!

Alpha male MF!

Rip Cecil Taylor!,

Nicholas Sackman: Hawthorne

Michael Finnissy: Greatest Hits of All Time, for solo oboe and ensemble
Christopher Redgate, oboe
Ensemble Exposé

J. S. Bach: ‘Alles nur nach Gottes Willen’, BWV 72

I’m pretending to smoke it right now at my favorite cigar bar in the world: Casa Fuente in Las Vegas. I’m also enjoying it with one of their tangerine mojitos. I know it’s early but VEGAS.

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György Ligeti: Trio for Violin, Horn and Piano, “Hommage Ă  Brahms”
Marie Luise Neunecker, french horn
Antje Weithaas, violin
Silke Avenhaus, piano

Listening to the Decca duets on disc 1. I love this music. This new set has mastering by Seth Foster and sounds very good.

Man this Louis and Ella sounds great. My system has never sounded better. . .and I have a new pair of Monoblocks coming Monday, probably will be set up Tuesday. . .that the builder and one listener tells me will make my current amp sound “broken” (the builder built both my current upcoming amps). I find that hard to believe but what a thrill if it turns out to be true!


Gotta love this hobby!!

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can’t wait to hear about what you hear!

Will do. Probably couldn’t refrain if I tried. . the love of the hobby.

György Ligeti: String Quartet No. 2 (1968)

new arrival–

Marina Khorkova:
collision, for ensemble (2015)
KlangNarbe, for baritone sax, percussion and prepared piano (2014/15)
a_priori, for flute and cello (2013)
VORderGRENZE, for clarinet, cello and prepared piano (2010)

J. S. Bach: ‘Liebster Jesu, mein Verlangen’, BWV32