Post Permalink button…
Please excuse my stupididity but what does this do?
Post Permalink button…
Please excuse my stupididity but what does this do?
Where do you see that? A permalink is a specific link to a post rather than just a page or topic category. Many blogs and forums use this so you’re taken to a specific post or you can forward the permalink to someone else so they too can view and post.
@Paul McGowan - It’s between the post number and the print button, both of which are to the left above the post text.
wglenn said Post Permalink button...Please excuse my stupididity but what does this do?
The button appears to reload the page with the link to the particular post. You can then copy the shortcut to the post out of your browser’s URL entry area. Kind of non-intuitive, but I suspect they found too many people had browser security settings that prevented copying the URL to the clipboard.