Which room treatment type would you suggest?

I’m interested in taming some echoes for high and mid tones. I believe the pillar in the 1st pic (POV is from behind speaker facing listening area, please ignore random furniture, experimenting…)is the culprit, but also curious if you would recommend treatment behind the speakers…though, they are dipoles, so have a rear facing tweeter…

Thoughts? I was thinking to start with the side of the pillar that the speaker faces and go from there…?

I would place diffuser/absorbers behind and side of the speakers first. A room in my house had a similar problem and treating behind/side of the speakers mitigated the problem. But the best thing would be contacting GIK acoustics for their recommendation. The consultation is free and you are not obligated to purchase anything from them. They tend to suggest more than what you need and you can decide what to get based on your budget. That said, I highly recommend their products.

From what can be seen in the photos, it looks as if there are a great many hard reflective surfaces that can cause slap echo and ringing. The small surface area of the columns you mention are probably only a minor source of acoustic issues in the big picture. Best room treatments for dipoles are probably going to be dependent on how far they are located from the wall behind them. If they’re 5’ or so out in the room, I’d think more about the big picture as oppose to worrying specifically about the wall behind them. It’s probably going to take quite a few square feet of acoustic treatments to deal with your issues in that room. My experience with GIK’s “advice” was pretty poor. The person who responded to my query about treatment advice seemed uninterested and never responded to follow up questions. Acoustimac in Tampa was much more responsive to my questions. They don’t have the broad range of products that GIK offers but I was very happy with the basic panels and corner bass traps I got from them.

I wouldn’t know where to begin with treatments, but I know that I’ll never treat another space without first measuring it first to define the problem. Do you know what problem(s) you’re trying to solve?

I’ll second the impression of GIK support. Before the fact I didn’t know what kind of help I needed. After the fact I realized the advice I got wasn’t particularly helpful. The advisor was responsive, but I feel as though I was given a cookie cutter solution to a problem that wasn’t defined.

I didn’t recognize your speakers as open baffle but they load the room differently than box speakers. I have OB speakers and I’m not sure my advisor took that into account.

I have my room treated with Michael Greens Roomtunes. They help greatly with soundstage depth and did so without killing the life of the sound.

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