Anyone want to share thoughts on the new remix of the Beatles’ White Album - especially the 24/96 download version . . . . How’s it sound?
There’s a little already buried in the What are you spinning thread. Here’s my input.
44.1/16 on Tidal sounds pretty good to me. Far better than the remaster from some time ago, and better than MQA too, though very close, to my ears.
The ‘clip-clops’ on I Will are fantastic.
Where have you found 24/96 download for sale?
It looks like HDTracks has it.
Thanks, it doesn’t appear they have any of the other variants. I’m looking for the 3-CD version in 24/96 to purchase.
Yeah. It’s only the super deluxe version.
Here you go, @brett66
They have the Super Deluxe version on sale, too:
I’m amazed at the endless revenue stream for the Beatles reissues. I’ve never found any of the digital reissues to sound very good. Is this one a remix or just another remaster?
The Beatles 2009 Mono remasters are definitive in my book. As close as we’re likely to get to the original intent.
It’s an actual remix produced by Giles Martin - son of George Martin. I haven’t heard it and I was interested in hearing from others before laying out $55.00 for the Deluxe version ($99 for the Super Deluxe version).
They are $44 and $79, respectively, at the links I posted above.
Oh - same as latest SGT Pepper - Didn’t think that sounded very good at all. Reviewers liked it. I think the “Love” and Let it be - Naked (high res digital) sound good. I always thought, sound wise, all these recordings were always over rated - love the music though…
I have the 2009 mono mixes already.
I will probably get the Deluxe Version of this but it is only Redbook quality I think - it’s 3 discs in under 1 Gb of space.
The 24/ 96 is as someone correctly pointed out only the Super Deluxe Version but there seem to be a lot more outtakes and demos on another 2 disc equivalents which for me are academic (although AMG is gushing over it). It’s 5 disc equivalent and is over 6 Gb in size which is a turn off for me unless the 24 /96 of the first 3 discs are that much better than the Redbook. Or is it just upsampled Redbook. Can someone who has done the comparison comment?
Not having the RBCD version of this release, I can’t comment on how the 96/24 compares. I can, however, say that after sampling the spectral frequency analysis of several of the 107 tracks in the 96/24 SDE, none appear to be upsamples. Few have significant information above 30k and some have little above 16 or 17k, but I suspect that is an artifact of the original recording method and not evidence of upsampling from 44.1/16 sources. There is no sign of a 22k haircut that would result from using a Redbook source.
Disk drives are cheap and life is short. Don’t let a few GBs keep you from enjoying this release.
Actually, there is a 24/96 downloadable version of the three-disc set:
Thanks. Will be getting that
I downloaded it yesterday. This remix is very faithful to the original. Right away, it’s apparent that there is more bass and drum emphasis - which I believe the original lacked. There is also more clarity; allowing the plucked strings of acoustic guitars to sound slightly ‘cleaner’ (I would have to use the old “vaile has been lifted” metaphor). I also noticed a better center stage (but on some tracks the drums are still off in the right channel). I give this one a thumbs up.
The Esher Demos are a revelation to me. Did Giles Martin mix those tapes or are we hearing the mix raw but mastered only? I hear typical Beatles tricks like double tracking vocals. I could dive into the 1000+ page thread on Hoffman’s site but that’s a lot of work.
So I have been contemplating this. I of course want the 96/24 but would want to rip it off the blu ray. Since I don’t have a blu ray drive - well it looks like hdteacks or the site bootzilla mentioned. I have the 48/24 Apple stick - which I think sound really good. Has anyone compared these to the 96/24?
Secondly - I have it in my head that I want the artwork. I lost my original pressing in a flood. I feel a need to replace it even though I don’t play vinyl. So I would get the deluxe 96/24 downloads and the album for about 85 bucks. Stupid or no??
I bought the one with The White Album remix and the Esher Demos ($50?) 24/96 off HDtracks. Wish I would have went for the whole enchilada. I’ll probably pick up the whole thing on CD when the used ones start appearing. It’s awsome (and I was prepared not to like it since I don’t like the Sgt Pepper remix). My wife and I were crying. So many memories and it sounds really good IMO.
I need to hear more comparisons with Sgt Pepper. I think the Sgt Pepper just sucks. Fascinating though, when I listened to it for the first time (the new one), I was like WOW! Then I almost never listened to it again… I put it on and there is just something so wrong with it. No music in there.
White Album similar?
I usually just write a check and buy this stuff but that Pepper experience really flagged me off.
Bruce in Philly