I know the answer to your question/questions…
A) The DMP must be set to output SACD-information from a hybrid disc (change the SACD-settings in the menu while having “no disc in the player”. Then load a disc and it will work
B) DoP (DSD over PCM)
You can send out DSD via DoP via your DMP-players AES/EBU to an external non PS Audio DAC. That means that the DSD-signal is divided in many small PCM-packages that at the reciving DAC throws away all PCM-container-information and puts together a RAW-DSD-file to be read by the DACs DSD-moudule/chip/FPGA. Usually you know that it works if an AES/EBU signal is locked at 172 mHz at the reciving end (not 16/44.1, 48, 96 or 192 but 172!).
C) The latest PS Audio transport can send out DSD via DoP all its outputs. The DMP only via AES/EBU.
D) Your Mola Mola Tambaqui can only read DoP via USB and i2S. The i2S in the Mola Mola Tambaqui uses the wiring in the hdmi-cable differently and are not compatible with the DMP´s output. This means that the Tambaqui can not accept the AES/EBU DoP from the DMP.
E) However, the Tambaqui can read DoP via i2S. This means that if you can transform the signal/settings in the i2S from the way the DMP sends it out to the way the Tambaqui needs to recieve it, then it will work.
Holo Audio MAY KTE factory settings are not compatible with the DMP but you can change the i2S settings. I do not think it is possible in the Tambaqui to change the settings of the i2S but it is worth checking out. Usually it is done via small “pins that can be changed” or in a deep menu selection option.
There might be some sort of product out there that can change the way an i2S is used in the hdmi-cable. Such a device should sort out the problem, but would put another unit in the signal path.
The DMP have got a feature that decodes the SACDs DSD layer to pure PCM (not DoP). It will be done to 172. Then the Tamaqui will read the information regardless of input or cable used. You will likely loss a little bit of resolution in the DMPs transformation, but it will still be high rez.
Note that the DMP firmware 3.14 and 3.15 can NOT do decode DSD to PCM. Only earlier firmware verisons can do that. The last two firmware versions focused on solving reliability issues and skipped advanced features.
In my opinion 3.14 sounds better than 3.13 and 3.15 sounds much better than the previous ones. Keeping the best possible PCM sound quality (16-24/44.1-192) might be worth a lot and an upgrade to get the DSD to PCM conversion feathure might not be worth it if you own few SACDs.
I presently use 3.15 and can output DoP via AES/EBU to my dac (that unfortunatly only decodes PCM not DSD).
I hope this helps. I would appreciate feedback if you choose something or try out something. I think the Tambaqui looks like a very interesting player, free from digital glare. Using it with my DMP would be a dream come true, at least that is what I think… you might provide me with facts