Your Next Upgrade? (Part 2)

All well regarded aftermarket “accessories”…well done.


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Also -
Ediscreation Firebird LPS powering both the Silent Switch OCXO Extreme + Fiber Box.


A picture of the real thing in the correct leather color. It’s here! Too pooped to move it into the sound room tonight. I’ll do it tomorrow. :smile:


Make-out couch!


I was not familiar with this brand and this product:

Might have to add this to the list of future improvements…

It’s just the perfect size for me and the missus, but big enough to two of your stereotypical audiophiles when they’re here for a meet? Mmm, I’m not so sure! :joy:


Is that an oxymoron?—“stereo typical audiophile”?


Welcome to the forum. Billy Baggs that’s a brand I haven’t heard in years! Good stuff!

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does anyone compare DS2 to MSB discrete? I found Massive best sounding FW but not sure comparison exist yet

Yay!!! :tada: :confetti_ball: :notes: :notes: The new chair doesn’t ruin the sonics of my sound room! :smiley: What a load off my mind. Thank goodness I was able to return that fabric covered LaZBoy when I’d tried it. That thing was a sonic black hole! :frowning_with_open_mouth:


My Revox A77 arrived today. No take up reel or Reel hubs came with but a quick visit to ebay solved that. More waiting though.


We rest assured it won’t be in silence. :rabbit::musical_score:

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Haven’t been following this. What are you going to play on it? NOS prerecorded?

Prerecorded tapes. There are so many to choose from!


Donno if this is an upgrade or not, but learning a lot after finally getting a table with adjustable VTA. My now sold Rega sucked in comparison…

Rega turntables can be fine for their no fuss no muss approach. Basically set it and forget it. Of course one needs to like their phono cartridges for the Rega “no fuss” approach to work. Otherwise they can be, how shall I say it, rather limiting.


Ortofon have “low profile” cartridges, specifically for Rega arms. They allow VTA to be adjusted with shims between the headshell and cartridge.


This shim system is a non starter IMO, it’s just too much work and too crude for something that need patience and precision. Only bought the Orto afte the new table. 2k Rega cartridge really shines now with the new table. Didn’t know what I was missing before!


Great feeling!

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“Rather limiting”, totally agree! Downside of the set and forget is for noobs like me, it can paint a wrong picture what a good vinly should sound like.

I thought the almost top of line Rega cart would be the end all and be all, but now I realize that Rega’s VTA system is probably their achilles heel. only took me 15 years to realize that. That also shine a bad light on Rega’s approach. There is no obvious ways to grow out of an entry level Rega if you don’t know better.