I need to convey just a bit of air when my preamp is powered. How many mAh can the trigger port(s) safely deliver? I do use one trigger to enable amps so if it’s a combined draw, I need to take it into account.
I need to convey just a bit of air when my preamp is powered. How many mAh can the trigger port(s) safely deliver? I do use one trigger to enable amps so if it’s a combined draw, I need to take it into account.
Boy, I am sure a few hundred milliwatts but I don’t know. I can check. Or, if you need a quick answer, email service@psaudio.com as I am heading to Axpona.
Thanks Paul, will do, I just don’t want to overdraw and burn out the circuit. Travel safely.
I heard back from support, the trigger expects a low draw but more importantly a high impedance one. Best to not use it to ‘power’ anything.