ADVISE on Affordable ethernet filters

I was wondering if anyone might have some advise for me with regards to “ethernet filter”
I have narrowed down to 2 units which are about the same price. So my choices are,…

  1. DX Engineering ISO-PLUS Ethernet RF Filter DXE-ISO-PLUS-2 DX Engineering DXE-ISO-PLUS-2 DX Engineering ISO-PLUS Ethernet RF Filters | DX Engineering
    Their product retails for $82.00 (this is the one I am leaning towards)

  2. LAN iSilencer Retails for #89.00 (This is also the other choice that I am interested in as well)

I have also included their ‘website’ address as well.

If anyone has any experience with either one, I would appreciate hearing back with your experience and thoughts. I picked these 2 as the price was very close and either one seemed like a great Tweak to improve my Aurender N100H Music Server.

Currently I am running a NIGHTHAWK AX-6 router and I am using 75 feet of Ethernet cable shielded Cat 6 that plugs into my Aurender. I am also using Qobuz as my streamer.

Both units claim lower noise, less jitter and better sound etc.
All of which I am looking fore to enhance my music playback.

So perhaps you might have a look for me and be kind enough to give me your opinion which one I should get? If in fact I should not get neither unit.
And if you have had any experience with either one that would be great.

All that said, I need to also mention that I am not looking to ramp up the price over $100.00
Yes I know that the more one spends the better likelihood of getting better sound etc but in this case the price fits comfortably within my budget.

My other electronics are PSA BHK preamp & P 12 Power Plant. Luxman DAC-06 DAC and Merrill mono blocks 116 amps. Wired with a complete loom of Furutech ‘top-end’ cables and my speakers are Joseph Pulsar 2 speakers.

Thanks for your help,

I have not found an ethernet filter under $100 doing much, save the money so not to waste money.

When you have enough fund go with Stack Audio SmoothLAN, it was better than my previous SoTM Cat7 Special Edition which costed four times more. Just get it and you are done.


dchang05, I am in agreement with you in regards to only buying once and get it done. That for the most part is my mantra also. In other words, I believe that ‘one gets what one pays fore’ right? And this is no different. I actually did not mention the product when I first posted as the unit ships from England and the price is 200 pounds plus 15 pounds shipping. I am not quite sure what the current exchange rate is at the moment but it is close in dollars. I was hoping that I could get the job done with one or the other units and also waitin to hear back from others as to what they think or recommend.
However, I do appreciate you stepping up and calling as it is! And rightly so. Thank you.

So I need to ask ‘if’ you have tried either of the products I was inquiring about? Or did you just focus on the Smooth Lan unit without trying the others? Just wondering…

I hope you will forgive my making a suggestion that’s a little over your budget. I have been using a Pink Faun LAN isolator which currently retails for €150. I found it a worthwhile upgrade; not an earth – shattering difference, but after installing it I heard a smoother or more relaxed presentation along with some additional details. I was not in the mood for spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on one of these gizmos, but this one has stayed in my system. Here is some info: LAN isolator - Pink Faun

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A few years ago I had LAN iSilencer in the system, but my system back then was entirely different from what I have now. Yes, it made a slight improvement. But I doubt it will make much improvement in my current system.

Magister, thanks for sharing your experiences with the Pink Faun unit. 150 euro’s are still in the ball park, although I was hoping for less. Yet at the same time I also wanted to purchase something that actually was worth the funds and provided a somewhat sonic improvement. I visited their website however it seemed a little lacking in information other than the basic “it will sound better” stuff. Plus, the unit its self looked a little ‘thin’ if you know what I mean? I am not saying that the unit does not work but I am sort of concerned. Perhaps if I would hear from others about their experience with it, might lift my concern. However, I very much appreciate you bringing this unit to my attention and it is something to consider.

I went from the iFi unit which made a small improvement to the SmoothLan which made a significant difference. It comes down to how much you want to spend and what level of improvement you expect for that expenditure level.

dchang05, thanks for sharing your experiences with the LAN iSilencer. And you are right about when things change so does the sound of your rig as well. So far with the little I have gleaned, I am leaning towards the Stack Audio Smooth LAN unit. But that is not to say that the ‘door’ is closed, by any means!

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Wow, thank you dawkinsj for your straight forward comment! I also heard from a video reviewer in of all places Australia and he was full steam ahead with his praises with the Smooth Lan unit. Yeah, its a little more than I had hoped to spend for this kind of tweak but there again, if as others say that the unit is punching above it price than who am I to complain, right?

Make an offer.


That Pink Faun 2.16 ultra is the definition of audio porn!
Pink Faun LAN isolator not so much.

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Yes but, you can’t make a wedding with dried figs!

Related yet unrelated; when I was chasing noise on my system, I added this ground loop isolator on the line coming into my modem. Made a significant difference. YMMV

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Get rid of the net gear Power Supply and run the router on a high current LPS with a good multi shielded DC power cord like Ghent Gotham or a silver gold dc cable. with a good fuse like AM M-1 or M-2 and put your best AC power cord you can find on the LPS. A few pieces of 3M AB7050HF as tuning rings on the LPS in and out power cords. Noise will fall away from your streaming.


I understand why you say that. If it will go in a place that is subjected to hard knocks and frequent discconnection/connection, it might not be sturdy enough. But if it just sits plugged into the back of the streamer, as mine does, then I think it’s fine; I’ve had no issues.

I looked at the Stack Audio SmoothLan. Either this was not available when I bought the Pink Faun or I did not know about. Looks nice and I am curious about how it compares to the Pink Faun for not a great deal more money. I did order a set of Stack Audio footers that work well, which is perhaps a good recommendation.

Thanks David for the information. I do understand about any handling issues and as you mentioned mostly the unit will be a “plug-and-play” without continue moving.
Glad you are having success with the unit.

Yeah, Vmax, I have also considered doing as you have suggested. I would call it a ‘mental work in progress’ if you get my drift?
I have used the 3M AB7050)HF sheets. I have written a thread about my experience with using them on my PSA BHK Preamp and my Aurender N100H. And yes there was a very noticeable improvement sonically to my system. I found it very much worth the small investment for much better sound. All the noise and elect hash disappeared. I was very pleasantly surprised.

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I bought the LAN iSilencer and immediately tossed the packaging after hearing the results. Cheap and effective. No brainer.

So I wanted to follow up on my thread with regards to either net improvement. Up until recently I was going in a slightly different direction, than an offer came on the table and after giving it some thought, I decided to accept the offer, so now I am the owner of a LAN iPuifier Pro unit that Paul172 offered for sale. Thank you Paul172. All is well.
I further want to comment that I was somewhat skeptical at the beginning, but I thought if things don’t work out than I might be able to sell it on. But that is not the case! This item is a keeper. The main thing I notice is how black the background is. And how clear and transparent the voices are. It is truly amazing. I don’t know how any of 5he other products that are out there work, but this item was worth the investment and I am glad I jumped on it.
So it is an inexpensive tweak that improves your overall sound and listening enjoyment.