Air Lens Review

Air Lense review. Highlights the importance of equipment matching.

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Not sure I trust that guys ears / reviews. So he worked at a HIFI store an Canada for 6 months. I worked at a local airport for 6 months back in high school. should i be recommending which aircraft you should buy?


He does say that the Airlens sounds “spectacular” with PSAudio DACS.
I’ll agree with him there :slight_smile:

However at the start he says the Airlens is “nothing like what he expected”. It’s just a “standalone streamer”.
I wonder what he expected? I thought PSAudio’s advertising material made it pretty clear what it was and where it fits in the audio chain.

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Please play nice everyone.


Elk is correct but I had issue with a review Jay did a few months ago. Now I met him & Thomas (who I consider a friend in “the business”) at Axpona. Thomas impressed me in person and previously over the phone in our monthly calls.

Here’s 2:20 min. of your life you won’t get back if you watch this :joy:


Did you listen to the whole video? He was perfectly clear about what he meant as to why it wasn’t what he expected.

What he said was that PS Audio house sound in general is warm/musical/even mentions dark (if you look for PSA reviews you’ll see he’s reviewed or at least commented on a lot of PSA products in various videos), whereas he found the Airlens isolated sound was thin, and that surprised him because he was expecting AL in isolation (e.g., with a neutral dac) to sound warm like other PSA products, which I suppose is a reasonable expectation.

But then he goes on to explain that the AL and PSA dac complement one another well, and that the thinness of the AL mates well with the warmness of the PSA dac in his opinion so they sound good together and had good synnergy.

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Yes I did. My comment was an attempt at being flippant. I will endeavor to apply the correct amount of gravity to my future posts. :slight_smile:



Ah, no worries. I didn’t pick up on that, sorry. It’s common on the forum for shade to be thrown on non-effusive reviews. Although this was a positive review at least of the PSA combination - not so much in isolation but I doubt non-PSA dac owners are buying AL due to no USB and general lack of output options, so for typical use case (PSA dac owner also buying AL) quite positive I thought.

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Alright Elk, I have held my tongue. Now 2 people have called me stupid.
I have watched 85% of jay’s video’s both when he worked at the hifi store and once he started his own channel. I don’t find him to be credible or articulate. I find he contradicts himself a lot from video to video. If you watch the early videos where he is comparing products at the HIFI store with the 2 older gentlemen his opinion of which component was better often differs with the other 2 older more experienced sets of ears. I am sorry but if you are going to run a youtube channel people are going to judge you on how eloquent and articulate you are. A well thought out well spoken argument conveys intelligence and confidence. This guy stumbles over words and on many occasions uses the wrong words. I don’t find him credible and I very often disagree with his opinions.
If this is a stupid or ridiculous then I guess I am both stupid and ridiculous. I do find it interesting that the shade thrown from both posters made no attempt to explain why they thought his reviews were worthy of consideration.
Stupid and Ridiculous


Jay Who? :laughing:
Trust your own ears. YOUTUBE videos only serve YOUTUBE in my opinion.

No problem. It’s a common problem with written English, especially when dashing off a stream of consciousness. No tone. No body language.
Had we been speaking face to face I’m sure you would have picked up on my intent.

And I probably should have dropped a smile emoji in there to make it clear. :slight_smile:

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He is certainly entitled to his opinion. I don’t trust anyone’s ear but my own. I use YouTube as a means to discover new products. If I like the look and feature set of a product, I try it for myself.
That is the only way to know to what works in your system.
The one thing he said that I think we all can agree on is that associated equipment matters.

I’m adding this piece to my PS Audio Rig. Doesn’t Reall matter what any reviewer says.

Let’s have fun guys :slight_smile:

If you were overdosing on steroids on a daily basis like Jay is, your speech would suffer as well.
Just to be certain you understand where I am coming from, I think Jay is a dunce. And his followers are even worse.
When I am in his presence, which sadly happens far too often, I make certain to not acknowledge him in any way, shape or form.

He is unworthy of my attention.
(but I like him a lot compared to Steven)


Different Jay but I think you might be right about that one too :slight_smile:

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There are multiple Jays??!!


[quote=“aangen, post:15, topic:36422”]
If you were overdosing on steroids on a daily basis like


I guess I said that like it was a bad thing.
It works for Bezos.
(Not so much for CarrotTop)


Tiger paid the price, and continues to. A shame IMO.

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He did win the Masters again, a thrilling accomplishment!


The comment was in response to your post. I do not know you and I would not call you stupid or intelligent. However, you comments were self-serving and self promoting, and your analogy was completely out of line. You should read every word and judge yourself whether your comments were fair. FYI I don’t watch Jay’s YouTube often and even rarely finish his posting but when you make an unfair comment about someone, you should be receptive to criticisms on you as well. If you still think your words were fair, so be it.

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