FR5s shipped Friday

Was kinda shocked they shipped from Compton, CA. Made me think of Easy E and N.W.A. :joy:
That was not the first music I had planned to play on them but hmmmmmmmm


Welcome to the forum! Is this your first PS Audio product?

Please feel free to post any questions or thoughts you have about the speakers here.

Yes, we warehouse and ship most of the speakers in California as our Boulder warehouse is pretty full these days.

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Thanks Chris. Actually it is not. My first DAC was a PS Audio DLIII. I had it connected to the and Apple AirPort Express. Man we have come a long way since then.

Really looking forward to the FR5s. I have long been a fan of little two-ways that play like one of the big boys because . In the past I have owned:

  • Totem Acoustic Fire V2
  • KEF LS50 Meta
  • Salk Silk
  • Dynaudio Special Forty
  • Ascend Sierra EX
  • ACI Sapphire XL
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How did you like the Salk Silks?
I just replaced my Salk Song3 Encores with FR-10s, which I like very much. But the Encore is a very nice speaker, or rather was. Salk is no longer making speakers.

I really liked the Silks. Probably shouldn’t have sold them but what is supposed to happen, happens. I owned 3 pairs of his speakers. The Supercharged Songtower, the BePure2 and the Silks. The Silks were my favorite.

I am hoping the FR5s will make me forget about the Silks. I fully expect them to.

Well, I have never heard that model of salk speakers but, conceptually, it is similar to what we’re trying to do so I hope you like these too.

Anyway, give the speaker as few hours (we say 100+ hours of break-in) and let me know what you think.

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What is the best way to break in my new FR5’s?

Play music!
Seriously though I select bass light music for the first 8-12 hours, and move on to typical music there in. The first 200 hours should loosen things up a bit and form the capacitors etc.
One option I have used is to play white noise from an fm tuner with the speakers wired out of phase facing each other. This can speed things up using a moderate volume. Last time I did this was with my Aerial 5T stand mounts over a course of a week. I would usually stop for a few hours to let the drivers relax and then continue. Following up with frequency sweeps to check progress.


Yes, this is good advice.


Do you recommend letting my FR5’s play music for long periods of time to speed up break in time?

Yes, if it doesn’t bother anyone. Just leave them on playing at a low to moderate volume (not super loud).


Not sure why you would not keep speakers you like. I own 10 pairs of speakers including the FR5’s. I enjoy the different presentations of my speakers. Keeps me from getting bored.

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10 pairs of speakers? Sounds like you’ve got a lot of options, and a lot of dusting to do! Personally, I’m a minimalist and my living space is extremely important to me. I prefer sticking to one great pair since you can only listen to one at a time. But hey, you gotta do you!



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I have been into audio since 12 and now 70. I keep my speakers in a separate room and rotate them. I also have 4 amps. Hegal 390, Accuphase 380, Macintosh 352 and PassLabs 250. After reading all the glowing reviews on these amps and my speakers , makes it hard to decide which one. I just purchse them all and be done with it. At 70 life is very short. I’m using my Mac to drive my just purchased Fr 5’s. These are my first pair of speakers with a ribbon. Still working with beak in but they sound very good. The space and air is incredible on these speakers. Can’t wait till it cools down so I can use them with my pass. These 5’s like juice!


Break-in period has started. Right out of the box they sound much bigger than they are. These things are super power hungry. I have never had my amp up this high. :flushed:

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What amplifier are you running with them?

Yeah, these speakers can play about a half octave lower than most bookshelf speakers but take a good 100+ watt amp to make the most of their macro dynamic capabilities.

I’m using a HiFi Rose RS520 with 250watts and I am at about 60% max volume to get to a normal listening level.

Are you in a large room? I have my setup in a 12x14 treated room and I have no problem with volume. Right now I’m using an Accuphase 380 which is rated at 120watts. I was using my Mac 352 hybrid. It’s rated at 250 watts but the Accuphase sound more powerful on the f5’. I have to say, these are the best bookshelf speakers I have ever owned.

Well, the woofer hits its limits with <200 watts of power or so down in the 40-50 hz range) so you can get the full output capability of the speaker with your hifi rose amp.