Airlens maximum sample rate with Directstream MK1 Dac?

Airlens PCM goes up to 384/32, but Directstream MK1 only goes to 352.8/24

So if I hook up an Airlems to my Mk1 the highest PCM I could go is 192/24?
Is this right?

(More an Academic question, 16/44 sounds “good enough” but hires stuff can sound better, but my take is the jump to 24bit is the biggest improvement.)


No, the highest you can get with an AirLens and your MK1 is 352.8kHz PCM which is really quite good. And, in my opinion, anything more than 24 bits doesn’t really make much sonic difference. That’s the bit depth you’re referring to and that controls the dynamic range, of which 24 bits already exceeds any practical consideration.


Thanks Paul,

As a 16/44 guy (but built bespoke servers for others back in the day) I know how much the “big numbers” can sway folks.

24/96 is the sweet spot for me, I find the jump from 16 to 24 bit to be audible, albeit the mastering probably matters more.

Good to get confirmation the Airlens can do 352.8.
WAY more than I need, for the juicy stuff I’ll do DSD :innocent: