I recently got the DS DAC, and I’m thrilled. It really is stunning. However, having ripped a LOT of vinyl on DSD 128 using the PS Audio Phono Converter, I’m left with a quandary. How am I supposed to play double DSD apart from using my current USB chain, including LANRover? I’d rather use Bridge II to play back my files and not have to downsample to single DSD. So that begs the question, is there a bridge firmware update coming to allow DSD 128 playback through Bridge? Maybe Bridge III? I’d like to know so I can plan my playback strategy.
This is kind of a DS DAC question, and so might get more traction in that forum. Check out this thread:
There is a chance Bridge II will someday support DSD II but I wouldn’t hold my breath. There are other, bigger, fish to fry in the update department that are first.
badbeef said This is kind of a DS DAC question, and so might get more traction in that forum. Check out this thread:http://www.psaudio.com/forum/directstream-all-about-it/support-for-dsd256-and-beyond/
Yeah, I just noticed that. I put it in the wrong “Directstream” forum. Let that be a lesson, kids. See what happens when you mix wine with message boards?? Moderator please redirect.