Audioquest Dragon Thread

They are not on the Audioquest website in the US either nor can I find anything online about them. Nick at TMR said they can be purchased in the US asap. Good luck in Europe I know you will have a set soon!

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Thank you Paul.

i have already emailed with a dealer in The Netherlands (where AQ has an European factory) and he answered with prices and delivery time (17 working days from order confirmation).

I’m very interested in XLR Dragon and/or Firebird. First from BHK Preamp to M1200s, then from SPP and DAC Sr to BHK Preamp.

Mmm let me call the bank again… please don’t say my wife I’m in this rabbit hole again!


I love today’s rabbit theme!!!

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Rabbit One: Honey, what are you listening to?Rabbit Two: The White Stripes.

Rabbit Two: What are you listening to?
Rabbit One: It’s a recording of @aangen
reading the Gryphon catalog. It’s very soothing.


Al is the master of Rabbit Holes! Hats off!


Perhaps the Wel Signature is also going to be replaced with an AES/EBU XLR Dragon as well? Could that be the reason I got such a good discount on mine? In any case the Wel Signature is as nice sounding as the Dragon 48 HDMI cable on I2S.

I believe Darren Meyers is using that cable with Innuous Zenith. . He was supposed to be burning in a Dragon HDMI and using a dedicated LPS custom made to power Matrix and report back results on HiiFi podcast. That project he never reported out results either it wasn’t better or he never finished.

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With the Dragon HDMI and the Wel Signature AES/EBU cables in my system for 3 1/2 weeks now the sound is just glorious. The sound is like that of a much improved component. Very exciting.


Have you upgraded your DAC to the Edcor transformers yet? Now THAT is like a component upgrade!! My Edcor modified DAC beats the heck to my brother"s unmodified unit, even beats the Holo KTE May in my system!

I have not heard of that. How is it done? Is it expensive? Can it be done for me or is it a diy project?

Check this out.

Edcor 4400’s DSD Mod - instructions? Source?

If you haven’t done it and you have a DSD do it! It’s a great sonic upgrade!

How is it done? Is it diy and is it expensive?

I had my done by Wayne @wctaudio. You can ship the whole Dac to Wayne or ship just the analog board. I did the latter. If you are handing with soldering thru hole circuit boards then you could do yourself. Otherwise removing the board is simple and will save you some cash. I started with the Edcor mod, then the @jkrichards external power supply board. The edcor mod by itself is a big improvement. The external power supply raises it up another notch. All that’s left on my Dac would be to change the AC inlet otherwise I think it’s complete. I also did the 3M 7050 EMI blocking inside.

How much would it cost to get the works done parts and labour? I would send in my entire dac. Could it be done from Canada?

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There’s folks in the modding the Direct Stream DAC thread had listed sources where they had transformers installed. I would order transformers myself then take Analog board to a local technician you can trust near you. Mine finished the job in about an hour. I always tip him well to be his next job on his bench.


I agree great advice!

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Is the 3m 7050 EMI blocking mod important/expensive? I am having everything else done and have ordered a Keces P3 power supply. I was lucky to find a RKRichards board.

It is relatively cheap to do yourself. A single sheet only 20 or 30 dollars. It lowers noise floor as much or more than the Sunlight firmware mod. If your system is resolving enough to hear that. It should give more of the same in space, layering, and resolution.

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I paid $75 for a sheet from digi-key. Happy with the investment. Maybe I paid too much. Lol

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