Aurender N150 Native DSD - Noise

When I toggle on the Native DSD option in Conductor, I get noise. Does anyone else with the Directstream Mk2 have this issue?

Hi Domus and welcome! What kind of noise?

Thanks! It sounds like white noise that I hear over the track.

Can you look up what version of FPGA code is running on the MkII? It sounds like a problem some folks were having with earlier code.

I am running the latest version, 2.6.2.

That’s the FW. The line below that - what’s the FPGA version?

Whoops, sorry :slight_smile: The FPGA version is 228-Massive.

I think that white noise problem still had unusual occurrences of surfacing with Massive. Hopefully @tedsmith will see this, but I haven’t personally had any white noise issues with the betas post-Massive (yes I’m a beta tester :smile:). But the way these things happen is very weird - one streamer or transport yes, another no. One interface yes, another no. I do know Ted is working hard to square this away. Hopefully before the end of the year you’ll see an improvement here.

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Thank you, Tony. Fingers crossed.