Belden ICONOCLAST Interconnects and Speaker Cabling

The spaghetti plots on this one though, Bob, have all tightened up considerably as of about an hour ago. Makes it a bit more predictable from here. :crossed_fingers:


Wishing all Floridians safety for the upcoming blow.


Good news for us both! Sad for those in the path. This one looks to be headed for some of the lessor populated areas of the state. And, TG it is a relatively fast mover. Stay safe Tony!

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Glad you are both doing well and should miss the storm. Weather sure has been crazy lately.
We have not seen all of the heat that most of the rest of the country has just due to luck and our drought has subsided too which helps the farmers out tremendously.
Stay safe!


Well I trust that the Floridians are still with us. Bob, it’s sort of too bad that you didn’t get to test the Gen 1 Iconoclasts that you tied the roof down with. Those suckers are tough😉

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A real trick when attending to minimum bend radius. :rofl:


:joy: Didn’t have to resort to Iconoclast, BAV 1313A was more than sufficient to handle a Cat 3.


Bob, Did you get tensile strength test data from Galen to confirm that choice of cable? He is sure to have it in his hip pocket.

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I have single binding post speakers that incorporate a powered subwoofer below 90hz. Galen, would you recommend series 2 tpc or series 1 sptpc?

Any benefit here to using series 2 tpc paralleled with a cheaper “bass” speaker cable like 1313a?

Speakers are spatial audio x5.


Let me thank Bob and Icono staff once more.

Great service and customer support, as always!

Serious companies start from serious people.


Good morning, I will surely throw my .2-cents for you. Series II SPTPC is the way to go. The results would be amazing to you!

Thank you Luca, it helps us to have incredible, wonderful customers like you!!

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Don’t mix the cables that go to the same driver. With one set of binding posts this will happen. It is like two different drivers in the same speker trying to play the same music. Each may be fine alone (all drivers have a sound we like and don’t like) but the combination of “error” is worse than any of the two by themselves.

This means no 1313A in parallel with the series II. If you have reasonable lengths, ten feet or so, you could put two series II in parallel to lower inductance and DCR to half. The capacitance will go up to twice (see the paralleled cable paper!). As long as the total capacitance is reasonable the AMP will be fine and the first order -3 dB frequency is well, well above Audio 20 KHz.

This dual parallel cable set-up is really fine tuning the system and isn’t, to me, as good as alternative efforts you may not have done yet (that better DAC or cartridge). It is a “last thing” available kind of upgrade.

Use the one series II only, from the amp to the speaker. The powered sub will cross-over inside the speaker the needed lower frequencies such that the benefit of the series I in a bi-wire system is mitigated. It will repair with EQ all it needs to sound really good.



Sage advice.

Congratulations on bringing forward the common ultrasonic welding of common copper cable!
(Is there better?)



I just want to give a quick shout-out to Bob/Galen at Iconoclast, and also the team at BJC.

I found Iconoclast Cables back in February this year and after trying their speaker cables on a home demo/trial, I’ve been steadily replacing my randomly acquired assortment of cables with those from Iconoclast and Blue Jeans.

I haven’t replaced everything yet but my first step was to add the Series-2 SPTPC and Series-1 OFE for bi-wiring my ProAc D40R, replacing Cardas Golden Cross.

Just a few weeks ago I added a pair of the BAV sub cables for my REL subs, a single AES/EBU UPOCC cable for use between my streamer and DAC, a 4x4 XLR UPOCC between the DAC and preamp, and a 1x4 RCA OFE cable from a Manley Steelhead phono to the preamp.

Across the board I find these cables to be highly resolving, neutral, and extremely transparent. It took me a little while to adapt to a new way of hearing music from my system, but I’m pleased to say that they are now out-performing any other cable I’ve tried, and by a good margin.

As with the speaker cables, the XLR and RCA are exceptional in my experience at delivering air, spaciousness, and detail, without sounding harsh or etched. I’m particularly enjoying the improved detail and timbre in lower frequencies, where I’m hearing bass instruments sounding how I think they would sound in a live setting.

Lastly, I stupidly managed to damage a banana connector on my new cables and had to send them back to BJC for repair. I got a tracking notification that the cables had arrived back at the factory via UPS, and less than 24 hours later another notification told me that the cables had been repaired and shipped back to me. The cost for replacement and repair, with 2-way shipping, was less than $100. That’s darned good service to back up a great product.



This brought back my memories of adding their 4x4 UPOCC XLR for the first time! Nice review!

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There is no question that the major change is the sound stage presentation, and the detailed location across the sound stage. That’s what caught my attention with the early prototypes and lead to the series II that just pushes more complex designs to get it done.

The concept was almost shelved from a complexity and cost standpoint, but too many of you said it is still a bargain for what they do, and what they cost. So, I engineered the series II in RCA, XLR and speaker cables. The series I are still crazy good and capture most of the fundamental design concept. The series II is a much smaller step and far harder to get that advantage. But I got it done to my satisfaction that it is meaningful in calculation and tests.

It is nice to have a meaningful series of options for you all;

  • Standard Belden sourced Blue Jeans options.
  • Special design BAV options.
  • Special ICONOCLAST options.

Each step is measurable more neutral for analog frequencies. The BAV and ICONOCLAST are all explained as the how’s and why’s. Fun stuff when you can see the method to the madness and not just accept sales/marketing tactics.

Thanks for trying our products!


I just upgraded my speaker cables from my old Acoustic Research? AR-12g OFC speaker cables which haven’t been sold for decades to Iconoclast Gen II SPTPC. All I can say is WOW! It’s like I bought a whole new system.

My system is now more musical, the soundstage is much more accurate and I love listening to it more than I ever have before.

Thanks, @rower30 and @BobBJC, for such a great product.


Yes, the sound is why ICONOCLAST is here. The designs needed to get those R,L and C numbers and other attributes are unique, but in the end it is what it sounds like. I never thought to suggest, “I need to sell these they look so cool”. Nope, I heard them and what a value that sound was to me. The designs, although interesting, are just how the “numbers” look that I needed to achieve the physics.

The next step was to do it with monitary value. That’s real hard for a low volume and elaborate design products with tons of labor involved. We keep reviewing cost every day, and so far any advantages we can get are eaten away by the inflation we are all experiencing. Everything isn’t the same but so far no price changes.

Better designs based on R, L, C and other attributes that are calculated and measured do sound better. If I had not stuck to this philosophy of pure physics everywhere I can ICONOCLAST would not exist. I know we all want to discount “numbers” but they do matter in many instances. Those “unmeasurable” things we like to reference have to be more important as the fundamentals they exist within are improved.

Thank you for your comments and enjoyment!