Best Alternative To the No Longer Available AC12 HDMI Cable

Since the AC12 is no longer available in lengths less that 3 meters, What would recommend as a replacement?



I have always wondered why it was discontinued? It was clearly the best HDMI connection between the PWD and PWT. I would think it would be an easy add on sale at PS Audio. Maybe it should be brought back by popular acclaim or maybe Paul has a replacement in mind soon?

Steven. B-)

We discontinued it because it wasn’t an acceptable seller. We sat on the inventory for two years, an expensive proposition for a solid silver cable. I made the executive decision that once we sold through the inventory that we would not order more.

Very Fair.

Dusty inventory is expensive to carry.


Can’t blame you! Do you know of any other brands that sound exceptional and can give them your blessing?

Any else?


I recommend this one from Harmonic Technology. I’m using a Shunyata Zitron Cobra XLR between the PWT and PWD now, which I really like, but I thought that the Harmonic HDMI sounded better than the AC12 when I was using it. This is the cord I will use between the NPC and the PWD.

Parts Connexion still have the 2 metre version of the I2S-12 for 224.95. I have one ordered to connect my Oppo 95 to my PWD to use when I’m not using the bridge. Oppo has told me that if set to bitstream the 95 will output a proper I2S signal. Hard to resist at that price.

Thanks for the info…just ordered one for the new NPC.

good move…you’ll love it!!

picked mine up when i purchased the PWT/PWD at release in 2009. have tried numerous other cables since but always go back to the AC-12. nothing i’ve tried has even come close imho.

i’ve stopped trying to find something better

Sorry, dumb question…

…as well as cd can you also play SACD (2 channel) from the Oppo 95 over I2S to the PWD???

Wireworld starlight 7 HDMI sounds really nice. Can’t compare it to AC12, but its got great dynamics.

If you can’t find the PS Audio HDMI cable, I can help out with Wireworld cables.

I can give 25% discount on any New Series 7 cable.

@12elfthfloor No, no machine out there plays SACD over anything other than HDMI and that HDMI signal is encoded such that it must be decoded with the Sony chipset in a receiver.

Thanks Paul. That answers the frustrating question I’ve had as to why none of the new DSD DACs I’ve seen have an HDMI input to allow DSD from my SACD player.

Receiver only! Gotta love who ever thought that one up!


Damn! Seems Parts Connexion really didn’t have any left. :-((

Back to looking for an alternative.


Thanks Gordon, going to be keeping an eye out. I may have found a 1 meter version locally but we’ll see if it happens.


Hi T.

I sent you a message to your inbox, maybe you’ll find there what you need.


I would suggest that any PS Audio cables offered on Ebay, especially from China, be considered with a great deal of caution. I would include their US based resellers that are quite well known to manufacturers.

I understand, e-bay needs to be looked at with more scrutiny due the higher possibility of counterfeits.

I have been able to work a great deal out with a local audiophile here in the Bay Area and in meeting up with him today have a nice 1 meter 12 i2s in hand and awaiting the new NPC!