-best roon settings for Directstream

So, tried Roon DSP upgrading everything to DSD256 and sending it to DIrectStream Sr. Through Matrix spdif2. Sounded good to DSD files but bad to PCM files. Anyone with good results regarding sunlight ???

I’m out on a weird limb, using Roon to control playback but sending the data via its Squeezebox support to a Squeezebox Touch which is going via optical and then a iFi SPDIF iPurifier into the coax port on the DS Sr. It limits me to 24/192 max, or DSD64 via DoP. On the plus side I get nice low jitter and basically zero electrical noise into the DAC… very close to “bits are bits” at that point.

With that as background: I decided a few months back that I prefer Roon’s 2x/4x upsampling of PCM over what the DS DAC does internally. It seems to me to be a little more open, especially in the midrange, and to have better impact and articulation in the bass. This remains the case and is maybe even amplified by the changes in Sunlight and the XS4400 transformer upgrade I have had done to the DAC.

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Reset Roon DSP to zero changes or upgrade and let the DSD Sr. do its magic. Easy and better sound.