Well, DSD may sound awesome …, it has none other than Sony and Philips as co-inventors … now that’s some pedigree … but

So basically … the friggin’ thing is useless for editing and mixing.
DSD is kinda like direct-to-disc or a vinyl lacquer.
And that’s why it’s ideal for “immortalizing” analog tapes.

Just want to point out that that is a 12+ year old article. And the implied argument - that it is useless for anything other than archiving - is a bit like saying, “I refute any recording that is not done fully in the analog domain” or fully DXD, or all 24/96 PCM, without ever fiddling with the bits, etc.

Recordings routinely go back and forth from analog to digital, are run through higher bit rate processing, then brought back to the project’s resolution, etc. They have very high resolution systems for working around this limitation of the DSD format. And the technology continues to move on.