Frankly, I could care less for audiophile studios recordin’ the latest Cookie Marenco-style artissimo garbage. Never have ever had the remotest interest in Diana Krall or any audiophile-grade BS.
Indeed, in my high-end system, I actually put in the ancient mono recordings (1930s-early 1950s) because I dig classical music and and am hugely interested in how magnetic recordings evolved.
Magnetic recordings … especially as AC bias came in … not there’s gold in them thar hills.
And yes … I’m sold on DSD … so that’s where I feel OCTAVE RECORDS can really make its mark.
Get a-hold of as many MAJOR-STUDIO analog tapes as McGowan can … careeeeeeeeeeeeeeeefully master them onto DSD … and run with that. Not that that ain’t been done before … but Sony and the major studios gave up on SACD ages ago, And much of their analog-to-DSD (SACD) wasn’t ll that well done.
BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT … now with OCTAVE, McGowan has the perfect opportunity to be the Chad Kassem of DSD … all w/o that incomprehensible hillbilly drawwwwwwwal … y’alllllllllllllllllllll.


Quite a bit to unpack, I think. However, if you are suggesting that PS Audio/Octave Records make their business model a focus on remastering 1930’s-early 1950’s recordings, that sounds like a sure-fire way of ensuring the failure of the label.

Nothing against the music that would be in that bracket, mind you; but I think such a focus would appeal to such a narrow slice of the music loving public that it would, I am afraid, guarantee failure.

Moreover, it would preclude the stated objective of promoting and benefiting contemporary artists of all stripes.

My $0.02.


I own two of the Octave releases. I’ve listened to them a few times. They sound amazing on my system. Now they’re on the shelf where they’ll most likely gather dust. Novelties, really, for me. None of the Octave releases are really my cup of tea, but I respect the fine artists, the label, and the people here who enjoy them. If the world only listened to music I like, it would be a small place. I’m glad there’s musical variety for everyone. A trip through the various “what are you spinning” threads here brings me joy, even if it’s not always music I like.


Given your handle, you might give the latest release, Thom LaFond - The Moon Leans In, a listen. The record is an eclectic collection of tunes, but there are one or two that might appeal to a Jazz maven’s sensibilities.

You can sample tracks from the record on the PS Audio site.



Thanks, but not my cup of tea. Of course, this comes from the same guy (me!) who listened to a Jacintha CD twice today followed by some Diana Krall hahahahaha.


Careful, now. There is such a thing as incompatible materials.



I just heard about Japanese ESOTERIC (Teac) releasing new SACDs from MAJOR labels (mostly classical). Have heard many good things about them.
Now … this is exactly who McGowan should be shadowing.

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I hate audio shows because they always play the WORST music at the showrooms. Y’all know what I’m yappin’ 'bout. Jesus H. Christ!


If you like classical music of the analog era and their unrivaled sound, you unfortunately must buy a record player. I also cherish the Esoteric releases where I have no vinyl of it, but compared with good LP reissues or original vinyl, they (and even Acoustic Sounds SACD reissues) completely drop off. Unfortunately even with DSD there is no way to transport the real magic of those recordings into digital. It doesn’t work (yet), but it’s surely good enough to be happy if one doesn’t know the better.

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Esoteric is of course part of the massive TEAC Corporation, which includes Tascam, so they must have a lot of corporate muscle. Add to that they manufacture possibly the world’s best disc spinner, VDRS, the market for discs is still large in Japan (about 35% of revenues) and SACD can be manufactured in Japan, the only other plant in the world being in Austria. Also consider the high demand for classical music and jazz in Japan. So it is not surprising that they have released over the years a selection of classical SACD transfers and remasters in association with major labels like DGG and Decca.

None of which apply to PS Audio.

If you look at a website like CDJapan, of about 4,600 SACD titles, half are classical and a quarter jazz.

I think you’ve really got to be in love with vinyl to stick with it for classical, because it’s a real pain and most classical are well engineered and mastered. I got rid of most of my classical vinyl, and much of it is worthless.

Quite a few of these SACD reissues will have come from digital master recordings anyway.

A lot to unpack, indeed, on several levels.

I have to agree with @scotte1 that reissuing older recordings to the exclusion of new artists would not only be contrary to Octave’s stated purpose, but it would surely doom the label to failure.

However, even though I’m sure Octave’s resources are stretched as much as anyone’s, there’s nothing to say, at least in the abstract, that the company couldn’t produce new content and pursue rights to remaster and reissue classic analog recordings (after all, the Otis Taylor album had been previously released, if I recall correctly). Kind of two arms of a single business model. I think it could be successful, if they’d be able to do it. I have all the Octave issues except the latest (Moon Leans In), and as much as I enjoy the technical job they’ve done, I find myself still warming to some of the music, and I may become a little more selective in what I decide to buy. But I could be more inclined to purchase older classical recordings that were highly valued for their sound and performances on initial release. Same for other genres, too.

I don’t think it’s fair, however, to tar Cookie Marenco’s work as “artissimo garbage,” nor would I dismiss artists like Krall as “BS,” even though I don’t listen to either much. Believe it or not, music played at audio shows is not selected for the sole purpose of annoying you. It’s chosen to showcase the nuances of audio performance, with the added benefit that it will be familiar to a large percentage of the potential audience. In other words, it’s done for sales, period. I also would never choose to refer to anyone as a “hillbilly” in a public forum, but that’s just me. :wink:


Ironically, the latest release (The Moon Leans In) may be my overall favorite so far.

For example, it strikes me as one of the most engaging records I have listened to in a while, despite its eclectic nature.

I recommend you give this one a spin.



Thanks for the recommendation. I’ll do that.

I couldn’t agree with you more but then I am biased


Say it isn’t so!


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Totally agree. ‘The Moon Leans In’ and ‘Things Worth Remembering’ are hands down my most played Octave releases so far and I’ve purchased all of them.

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I would love to hear some rock bands on Octave. I think that would be fantastic! Unlike the OP, I would never refer to someone’s choice of music as BS just because I do not like it. I also think the OP is a fraudster. Oh wait, is that the same as calling him a hillbilly? Either way, the name fits.

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Have you had a chance to listen to Augustus’ “Ragtime World”?

To my ears, it offers more than a little taste of modern R&R (Indie Rock?) and manages to capture a live performance vibe.


Thanks I will check them out!

Your welcome.