BHK 250 vs M1200

Oh yeah! Very nice! I didn’t realize how much effort MSB has put in to optimizing the direct DAC to Amp connection.

This is a good review of the combination.

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I read about this module a few months ago. At the time I wasn’t thinking about direct connecting the DAC to the Pre. Now it makes perfect sense. I really like the idea of this configuration.

Less is more.

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Thanks, yes I’ve already read it. I was reluctant to suggest you this review, because of your conclamate idiosyncrasy about Apple stuff!

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Good point, Al. I was expecting the same lack of magic in my experience with the Puritan and I agree, it’s different from the P15. Maybe the fact that I’m still using a P20 for my sources and the P15 only for amplification, can mitigate that effect.

On the contrary I’m liking so much what it is bringing to the sound for the better, just feeding the amps M1200s. I’ll try also the Puritan plugging the DAC, to have a better idea of its abilities and/or limits.

As for the Pre, I was expecting exactly the same “missing effect” you are describing. That’s why I’m so surprised. Any decisions here must require more and more hours though.

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Thank you for your logical thoughts, they make sense.

#1 I agree and it’s probably an easy decision as soon as I get a conclusion about the issue (unit related or design related).

#2 I agree that as a long term solution the no-preamp choice makes me a little nervous but I learnt that in this hobby there is nothing definitive, unfortunately.

#3 My fascination for the MSB amp is like fever, it burns my mind for a few days until it might decrees and become lower and lower. Wait… I’m thinking about this amp since almost 3 months, actually. Quite odd.

The best thing to do, is doing nothing for a while. My plan is auditioning both the S202 amp and the Reference DAC on June/July, it should make less cloudy my mind. Last time I auditioned the Premier, it was immediately clear what to do or not to do!


my vote

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It sounds promising. Still no evidence on their website, interesting news, Al. Thanks for sharing.


it’s past time for a fix for the powerplant, enough already

replacement or else

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I got a BHK250 Jan 2017. I had a pair of Sonus Faber Olympica floor standers that sounded great with it. Got tired of the SF and got me a pair of Magnepan LRS. Sounded great with the BHK250 but on a couple of songs that had incredible dynamic range, the BHK250 would shut down. Very annoying! After a while I sent it back to PSAudio and they checked it and said there was nothing wrong with the amp. The same thing continued to happen. Then the M1200’s were released and I bought a pair. AMAZING!!! I liked their sound more in my system and I could play anything, including the songs that were shutting down the BHK250, without any problems. A while later I upgraded my LRS pair with a pair of Magnepan 1.7i’s. The M1200’s make these speakers “sing” beautifully. After a year or so I sold the BHK250 because I wasn’t using it much any more. I continue to be happy with the M1200’s.


It has been awhile since I have auditioned power conditioners, like Shunyata Denali, but I was initially entranced with how quiet it was. Switching back to a P15 restored more detail and dynamics. Finally got a P20 and am comfortable with that. I have not tried Puritan or Everest. I hear larger differences in source components. Bigger fish to fry.


Today I’m bringing back the P15 in the chain, plugged to the Puritan (another test before plugging it straight to the wall, as it is designed for).

Comparing what I’m hearing today to yesterday, when I was using only the Puritan, it seems to confirm my previous impressions.

  • separation: equivalent or a bit less than before
  • bass: less deep
  • soundstage: less high and wide, voice seems more natural but much forwarded, like if the singer was closer to my listening position
  • texture: more organic and granular
  • detail: less cleaner and defined, more smooth and silky
  • realism: equivalent, maybe more relaxed and intimate (less club feeling, more studio recording ambient)
  • background: less black, the sound doesn’t come anymore from a sort of “immense profundity”
  • engagement: equivalent, pleasant even if different
  • magic: at a different degree but absolutely present
  • dynamics: more controlled at the extreme frequencies
  • general feeling: less liquid (not an analog vs digital difference at all, as I was expecting)
  • annoying buzz: subtle but present from the P15

I can’t really say what I’m liking more. The only thing I’m sure is that both combos are way better than plugging the M1200s straight to the wall.


And at the end of the day, I also tried the P15 only, without the Puritan.

Here my thoughts.

  • separation: not as good as before, I feel I’m missing something
  • bass: rounded and relaxed
  • soundstage: smaller, less high and wide, even more forwarded but frankly really beautiful and natural
  • texture: more body, organic feeling extremely well presented
  • detail: it seems less revealing as per micro and macro, I’m missing something
  • realism: totally different, presence of voices is more tangible while instruments are less evident, like a layer or two backwards
  • background: pleasant and beautiful but in a different way, not as black and silent as before
  • engagement: equivalent, pleasant even if different
  • magic: absolutely present, for sure, at a different degree
  • dynamics: mids are the strength, really well presented, less extension on high and bass
  • general feeling: not liquid but pleasant, less detailed and opened but revealing enough
  • annoying buzz: still present from the P15, can’t say if more or less than before when plugged into the Puritan

Definitely a different sound, if you know very well your system. The ability of the P15 is well known and I don’t need to say more than this.

I can live with all of them, liking something and missing something in each of the 3 tests. Maybe I’m in trouble, now. Maybe I’m lucky, wherever I go it’s such a beautiful result that I’m happy.


Seems like Puritan alone is best…all things considered, including P15 hum

though no single, mixture, or straight into wall has it all

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FWIW I’m still waiting for the Ultimate cable of the Puritan, that might add something more to the sauce. Time will tell.

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wearing a sweater or what?



Socks winter made! Really uncommon design, I agree.

If you have some stiff Dragon, this Ultimate seems very odd!

Connectors should be improved anyhow, like Furutech type or similar.

You have been very busy since vacation :slightly_smiling_face: I did not read much of the forum and I missed 20 posts in this thread already.

MSB combo will give you the best SQ, considering their price points; they should. Then you will turn into the 99% digital guy (Even I could not predict that 6 months ago). Do you want to keep all your analog gears on all time and only use them occasionally, or to store them aside? I cannot imagine the trouble of doing that.

Will MSB with the analog modules give you the best analog sound? I do not know. But it is an A/D converter so I am not sure all the analog magic would be retained.

Seems to me if you want to enjoy your ample collection of records, you need a better preamp. You have a bundle of expensive cables, and they work better without constant moving and unplugging too.

I am thankful I do not have your headache. My upgrade will be a TSS to pair with PST (so I can play SACDs). if I do not need a BHK pre as a result, that is even better.


I was actually in a withdrawal crisis!

Sorry all for my many posts!


The cord looks like a plate of pork intestine served in a Chinese restaurant. I hope it will improve the sound of Puritan over P15. The price is reasonable enough that I could sneak one in without my wife even notice :laughing:


After that image, I’m tempted to cancel the order, Donald!