BHK Preamplifier Close Out?

I have owned a BHK pre for the last eight years. It was clearly an improvement over my previous preamp, a c-j Premier 17LS. Upgrading the tubes brought its performance to an even higher level. Reviews can be hyperbolic at times, but I do believe that the BHK is a superb preamp.

I have not yet heard the SG pre but have no reason to doubt the word of those who have heard both and say that the SG is as good or better than the BHK. Technology improves over time and designers get more experience, so I can imagine that the SG pre is an outstanding achievement. But I’m not selling my BHK pre anytime soon — it still sounds wonderful!


Definitely a little curious how the SG pre compares to the BHK. As much as I enjoyed the BHK with the stock tubes, it’s sound can be elevated and customized by tube rolling, which can’t be done with the SG. So if doing a comparison, the BHK should be outfitted with some premium tubes.
For very little money I was pleasantly surprised how much the SQ was improved on my BHK pre when I installed a set of Apos tubes. Took the pre amp to a whole new level.


What tubes were in the BHK when you did the comparison?

I’ve had the BHK Pre coupled with the M700’s for a few years now.
I did trade in the Perfectwave DAC for the MKll DAC and noticed the difference immediately.
Sadly, with my Tinnitus and frequency drop off at 1.5k , chasing perfection is really a futile endeavor. Even with hearing aids, there is a point of lower value per dollar spent.

Still, I’m quite satisfied with this set up. For me, it’s all about the musical enjoyment.


Enjoy your cake Donald!


Stock tubes, as they both were shipped out to me new for comparison.

Happy belated cake day Donald! Not sure how I missed it …

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Received email from PS Audio today about a closeout sale on the BHK preamp, at half price with no trades.


I personally LOVE the StellarGold Pre. It was pretty jaw dropping when we added it into our listening room. It is dead on. Just perfectly recreating the music.

The BHK Pre, is amazing too. The tube stage really complements a massive sound stage (especially with the FR20’s and 30’s).

They both have their pro’s. I personally lean toward the StellarGold. It surprised me completely when I put it in my system at home.


Well, so much for the BHK Preamplifier. Seems like everyone is saying that the StellarGold is better for half the cost. What about the ‘magic’ of tubes?

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Oh man… We got so many questions about this today…

Oh, we’re working on a replacement… I can’t say anything yet. I think Paul would murder me if I did. lol


Indeed! Top secret stuff and Aaron would have to be hauled up on the mast as an example to the others. Mum’s the word, Laddies! I am itchin’ to tell….but….


I think you just did in your own way. :wink:
Rumor is new preamp and amp on heir way soon, courtesy of ex PSA designer Darren Myers. Now for pricing and shipment dates. Ties in with the DSD DAC Mk II FW update. Thinking target release pre-Axpona 2025.


Did I hear new amps too? Tell me it’s a class D, and monoblock is a given :grin:

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Are you still in Hawaii?

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You’ll grow out of this soon. :rofl:

Oh yeah! I’m only half way through. But sometime you have to get a break from drinking and soaking everyday in paradise 🏌🏽‍♂️


It sounds tough but you are handling it well.


I would love to hear an explanation to your question (wonderfully stated, btw).

Honestly, not overly interested in the replacement. Having spent thousands of dollars just to hear you refer to the Stellar Gold preamp as “jaw dropping” and “perfectly recreating the music” does not bode well for those that invested so much into the BHK series.