I’ve had my new BHK for a few months now and just suddenly I am hearing loud snaps through my right speakers only when changing volume. It happens on all volume settings all of the time.
I’ve read through the threads here, but the way I read the threads is that the clicks that people hear are in the preamp unit itself, while I hear loud snaps in my right speaker only.
Any thoughts about snapping sounds through one channel speaker only on all settings all of the time?
Likely the right tube. Try swapping the tubes left to right and see if the noise follows. If it does time to replace the offending tube. If it’s only a few months old reach out to PSA and see if they will replace them, if not order a new set.
I’ve had a similar problem with my BHK 300, where the one channel would pop when I put the BHK preamplifier to mute. Contacted PSaudio and Paul concluded that it was a bad tube in the one amplifier. Paul then sent me two new tubes for the amplifier, free of charge (thank you Paul), and that solved the problem.
Thanks. I left a message on Friday. They are probably very busy. Will call again on Monday.
Ok, That sounds good. Thanks for replying.
I would still swap the tubes so that you’ve narrowed the problem down before you talk to them. Chances are that’s what they will ask you to do.
Thanks. I did swap the tubes this morning, and now the snapping is in the left speaker. So it was one of the tubes.
The question for me now, is it ok if I listen, or will I blow something up?
If you have the option of using the volume control of your dac or streamer, that would be the safest way forward and safes you from these jump scares.
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