BHK300 + McIntosh C53 Preamp


I have a GREAT deal on 5 year old BHK300 monoblocks here in Poland.
I have a pair of B&W 802D3 and McIntosh C53 preamp.

Does anyone know or had experience running BHK300’s with C53?
Does anyone have experience or knowledge of the Trio => BHK300 + C53 + 802D3?

Any help would be appreciated.

This setup will be my second system.
To this day it was 2 x Accuphase P500L (as monoblocks) + Accuphase C2540 + B&W 802D3.
This works great and I highly reccomend it.

I heard good things about BHK300 and wanted to see how they will work with my system

I’m sorry I am no help on that specific match up. However nice to see another Accuphase owner on here. There are a few of us… Enjoy your new amps…

And welcome!

Thank you for the welcoming commitee.
I am doing a leap of faith here.
I have NEEVR heard the BHK300 but the price is so attractive that I thought I’ll give it a try.
I read a lot about them and have been keen on them for a while.
On paper this amp (These amps) look very well.

Ask me in a couple of days and weeks and I’ll let you know how they stack up in my room.

BTW, I forgot to mention that I also have Dynaudio Confidence 20 as well and a VPI Classic TT.


I had the Confidence 30s. Also the 20s. Dyn makes great stuff. You’ll love the 300s. I bet.

It has been two weeks now.
I have bee listening to a lot of different music on my system.:

BHK300 Mono(s)+ Accuphase C2540 + Dynaudio Confidence 20.

I must admit that this setup sounds great. As expected.
I see (hear) little, if any, difference from my identical setup with the VINTAGE Accuphase(s) P500L+ Accuphase C2540 + Dynadio confidence 20’s.

This is great. It affirms my deafness :slight_smile: and confidence that the BHK300 will do great in my holiday house…

At some stage I’ll do some, not too much, tube rolling to see what and how it effects my ears and perception.

BTW has anyone else been asked by their friends if their BHK250/300 is a printer? A lot if people commented thatvthey look like printers.




They do look like printers. Especially in white (or silver whatever its called). Unfortunately, Its not the 300s or the speakers, its that killer Accuphase that is making all the magic…!

Just kidding. I have had DYN, Accuphase and PSA amps but not all at the same time. I bet your system sounds great. Enjoy…

I have been told my Rose looks like a toaster…


I woul love to be modest BUT yes the system does sound great.
Especially sine I have a dedicated, treated room for listening.

Come to think of it the Rose does .ook like a toastrr with a built in radio.:grinning::innocent::rofl::rofl:

BTW I am thinking of getting a streaming device like the EverSolo A8. Any thoughts?

Im thinking same on Eversolo but they just released (or very soon) the A10. Thats the one if in the budget.

If not, the A8s are already showing up used at good prices.

Not sure how the market is where you live though…

There is a Eversolo A10 thread on this forum somewhere. You can search for it. Lot of good streamers out there but im spoiled by the screen and features of the Rose. So the only one that appeals to me is the A10 at the moment.

The A10 looks good but is a bit pricey here in Poland. It is around 4000 USD.
I wonder if the difference between A8 & A10 will be that much more.
On the other hand I do prefer the AKM chip on the A8 rather than the ESS on the A10.

So there goes the beginning of my quandary.


That does look like a toaster, so do the record cleaners.

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The ESS chip on the A10 is the 9039Pro, which the only other product that I know about that uses that chip is the Gryphon DAC module for the Diablo 333, of course the rest of the internals of the Gryphon make a significant difference. (most other manufacutrers that use ESS chips use the 9038 or 9038 Pro). The A10 seems to be the much better product from the descriptions of it’s internals.

I seriously do not know today. In the past, before AKM’s factory burned down, AKM DAC chips were the bees knees.

So my question is do you think that the AKM4499EX is worse than ESS9030Pro?
If, so why?

and I know that the DAC chips alone do not make a great device. There are many more parts to it. However, they are the nerve center of it all.


I got the toaster part hidden as its on the 2nd shelf down. Does not look bad in person but it gets pretty warm. It needs all those vents. I wonder if it were to stay there for a long period of time, if it would dry out or affect the wood above it.

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As the implementation plays the largest role in overall fidelity (especially output stage) I have never paid much attention to the chip. My Rose has the 9038. Sounds great. However great enough that I just use a pre out from the Rose- No. I would hope that the A10 (9039) would be a “stand alone” option but I’m not counting on it. All great chips though.

Or you could use it as a toaster too.

Some prefer the A6 over the A8 because of the bramd of the chip, others prefer the A8 over the A6 because of the brand of the chip.
Just saying that I would not automatically dismiss the A10 because the chip is an ESS, as it is their best 9039Pro chip

My dac is the Grimm MU2, which is FPGA based

I am still using my Topping D90MQA. Which sounds fine to me.
I am looking to get a workhorse Streamer, DAC, Audio PC in one nifty box.
That is the only reason I am looking into EverSolo A6/ME/8/ or 10.
Six of this half a dozen of the other


Horses for courses… situation

I wanted to see if I can print something using the BHK300 “printers”, but do not know where to put the paper. :slight_smile:

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Could you give some thought about bhk300 with bw802d3?



The BHK’s were bought fir my other house. I have nit set them up yet with the B&Ws.
I listen to tge Dynadio Confidence 20.
They sound great.

The B&W will be up and running together in about three months. Cunstructions under way

are your dynaudios still as good as before they were made in China(if the 20s are made in China)? Have an old pair of dynaudios from before the China move and they are great but am interested in the 20s… have always loved their speakers and would love the hear ‘they are superbly crafted’ same as legacy products